Cyber security – Comprehensive Security Testing And Inventory Management

Akto is an instant, open source API security platform that takes only 60 secs to get started. Akto is used by security teams to maintain a continuous inventory of APIs, test APIs for vulnerabilities and find runtime issues.

Akto offers coverage for all OWASP top 10 and HackerOne Top 10 categories including BOLA, authentication, SSRF, XSS, security configurations, etc.

Akto’s powerful testing engine runs variety of business logic tests by reading traffic data to understand API traffic pattern leading to reduced false positives.

Akto can integrate with multiple traffic sources – burpsuite, AWS, postman, GCP, gateways, etc. Here is our public roadmap for this quarter.

How To Get Started?

Using Docker-Compose (works for any machine which has Docker installed)

Run the following commands to install Akto. You’ll need to have curl and Docker installed in order to run the container..

  1. Clone the Akto repo by using this command git clone
  2. Go to the cloned directory cd akto
  3. Run docker-compose up -d

Using Testing CLI Tool

Run the following command to run testing CLI tool

docker run -v ./:/out  \ # needed to generate test report on host machine
    -e TEST_IDS='JWT_NONE_ALGO REMOVE_TOKENS' \ # space separated test ids
    -e API_COLLECTION_ID='123' \ # api collection id on which you want to run tests
    -e TEST_APIS='' \ # space separated apis from the api collection on which you want to run tests. If not present, all apis in the collection will be tested. [optional]
    -e OVERRIDE_APP_URL='' \ # If you want to test on a separate host. [optional] 
Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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