Terra is a OSINT Tool On Twitter And Instagram. Installation Clone the github repo $ git clone https://github.com/xadhrit/terra.git Change Directory…
SubCrawl is a framework developed by Patrick Schläpfer, Josh Stroschein and Alex Holland of HP Inc’s Threat Research team. SubCrawl is designed to find, scan and analyze…
PowerShx is a rewrite and expansion on the PowerShdll project. PowerShx provide functionalities for bypassing AMSI and running PS Cmdlets. Features Run…
PortBender is a TCP port redirection utility that allows a red team operator to redirect inbound traffic destined for one…
PEASS-ng is a Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE new generation. Here you will find privilege escalation tools for Windows and Linux/Unix*…
Metabadger Prevent SSRF attacks on AWS EC2 via automated upgrades to the more secure Instance Metadata Service v2 (IMDSv2). Metabadger…
Although a brute force attack is among the simplest attack methods, its effects are far-reaching. They achieve it by guessing…
Limelighter is a tool which creates a spoof code signing certificates and sign binaries and DLL files to help evade…
LazyCSRF is a more useful CSRF PoC generator that runs on Burp Suite. Motivation Burp Suite is an intercepting HTTP…
Karma_V2 can be used by Infosec Researchers, Penetration Testers, Bug Hunters to find deep information, more assets, WAF/CDN bypassed IPs,…