Speakeasy : Windows Kernel And User Mode Emulation

4 years ago

Speakeasy is a portable, modular, binary emulator designed to emulate Windows kernel and user mode malware. Check out the overview…

Huan : Encrypted PE Loader Generator

4 years ago

Huan is an encrypted PE Loader Generator that I developed for learning PE file structure and PE loading processes. It…

Kali Linux 2021.3 Released for NetHunter Smartwatch and With New Hacking Tools

4 years ago

The most popular penetration testing distro Kali linux announced a new version that included extended support for OpenSSL, new Tools,…

Pantagrule : Large Hashcat Rulesets Generated From Real-World Compromised Passwords

4 years ago

Pantagrule is a series of rules for the hashcat password cracker generated from large amounts of real-world password compromise data. While Pantagrule…

Ctf-Screenshotter : A CTF Web Challenge About Making Screenshots

4 years ago

Ctf-Screenshotter is a CTF web challenge about making screenshots. It is inspired by a bug found in real life. The…

BeaconEye : Hunts Out CobaltStrike Beacons And Logs Operator Command Output

4 years ago

BeaconEye scans running processes for active Cobalt Strike beacons. When processes are found to be running beacon, BeaconEye will monitor…

Dorkify : Perform Google Dork Search

4 years ago

Dorkify perform Google Dork Search. Google dorking is a hacker technique that uses Google Search to find security holes in…

SLSA : Supply-chain Levels For Software Artifacts

4 years ago

SLSA (pronounced "salsa") is security framework from source to service, giving anyone working with software a common language for increasing levels…

A Career as an Ethical Hacker

4 years ago

Much of an Ethical Hacker’s skills are put into testing security controls and perimeter penetration vulnerabilities in devices. They also…

How to monitor and optimize an SQL database

4 years ago

Are you a database admin looking for ways to make your life easier? There are plenty of effective strategies to…