How your web design can impact your content marketing? The web design that a brand uses has a great impact…
UnhookMe is a Universal Windows API Resolver And Unhooker Addressing Problem Of Invoking Unmonitored System Calls From Within Of Your…
Sigurlfind3R is a passive reconnaissance tool, it fetches known URLs from AlienVault's OTX, Common Crawl, URLScan, Github and the Wayback Machine. Usage sigurlfind3r -h This will…
ADCSPwn is a tool to escalate privileges in an active directory network by coercing authenticate from machine accounts (Petitpotam) and…
Php-Jpeg-Injector Injects php payloads into jpeg images. Related to this post. Exploiting PHP-GD Image Create From jpeg() Function Proof-of-concept to exploit…
Solitude is a privacy analysis tool that enables anyone to conduct their own privacy investigations. Whether a curious novice or…
Cloud security raises significant challenges for organizations, as more workloads and mission critical applications move to the cloud. XDR is…
Go-Shellcode is a repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities. The applications load and execute Shellcode using various API calls…
cThreadHijack is a Beacon Object File (BOF) for remote process injection, via thread hijacking, without spawning a remote thread. Accompanying…
TwiTi, a tool for extracting IOCs from tweets, can collect a large number of fresh, accurate IOCs.TwiTi does classifying whether…