Dorothy : Tool To Test Security Monitoring And Detection For Okta Environments

4 years ago

Dorothy is a tool to help security teams test their monitoring and detection capabilities for their Okta environment. Dorothy has…

Reconmap : VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment And Penetration Testing) Automation And Reporting Platform

4 years ago

Reconmap is a vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) platform. It helps software engineers and infosec pros collaborate on security…

TokenTactics : Azure JWT Token Manipulation Toolset

4 years ago

TokenTactics is a Azure JSON Web Token ("JWT") Manipulation Toolset. Azure access tokens allow you to authenticate to certain endpoints…

Juumla : Tool Designed To Identify And Scan For Version, Config Files In The CMS Joomla!

4 years ago

Juumla is a python tool developed to identify the current Joomla version and scan for readable Joomla config files. Installing /…

Rconn : Rconn Is A Multiplatform Program For Creating Generic Reverse Connections

4 years ago

Rconn (r[everse] conn[ection]) is a multiplatform program for creating reverse connections. It lets you consume services that are behind NAT…

Ppmap : A Scanner/Exploitation Tool Written In GO, Which Leverages Prototype Pollution To XSS By Exploiting Known Gadgets

4 years ago

Ppmap is a simple scanner/exploitation tool written in GO which automatically exploits known and existing gadgets (checks for specific variables…

MANSPIDER : Spider Entire Networks For Juicy Files Sitting On SMB Shares. Search Filenames Or File Content – Regex Supported!

4 years ago

MANSPIDER will crawl every share on every target system. If provided creds don't work, it will fall back to "guest",…

Terra guard : Create And Destroy Your Own VPN Service Using Wire Guard

4 years ago

Terra guard's goal is to be simple to create and destroy your own VPN service using Wire Guard. Prerequisites Terraform >=…

Pathprober : Probe And Discover HTTP Pathname Using Brute-Force Methodology And Filtered By Specific Word Or 2 Words At Once

4 years ago

Pathprober is a Probe and discover HTTP pathname using brute-force methodology and filtered by specific word or 2 words at…

In0ri : Defacement Detection With Deep Learning

4 years ago

In0ri is a defacement detection system utilizing a image-classification convolutional neural network. Introduction When monitoring a website, In0ri will periodically…