CORSTest : A Simple CORS Misconfiguration Scanner

5 years ago

CORStest is a quick & dirty Python 2 tool to find Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) misconfigurations. It takes a text…

SharpHide : Tool To Create Hidden Registry Keys

5 years ago

SharpHide is just a nice persistence trick to confuse DFIR investigation. Uses NtSetValueKey native API to create a hidden (null…

LinuxCheck : Linux Information Collection Script 2019

5 years ago

LinuxCheck is a small Linux information collection script is mainly used for emergency response. It can be used under Debian…

CodeCat : Tool To Help In Manual Analysis In CodeReview

5 years ago

CodeCat is a open source tool to help you in codereview, to find/track sinks and this points follow regex rules.…

aSYNcrone : Multifunction SYN Flood DDoS Weapon

5 years ago

aSYNcrone is a C language based, malfunction SYN Flood DDoS Weapon. Disable the destination system by sending a SYN packet…

BurpSuite : Secret Finder Extension To Discover APIkeys/Tokens From HTTP Response

5 years ago

BurpSuite is a Secret Finder Burp Suite extension to discover a apikey/tokens from HTTP response. Install >>Download SecretFinder wget…

How To Enable The Undercover Mode In Kali Linux?

5 years ago

Last week, Kali Linux 2019.4 launched an Undercover Mode that can be used to make the Kali desktop look like…

Nessus Map : Parse Nessus File(s) & Shows Output In Interactive UI

5 years ago

Nessus Map parse .nessus file(s) and shows output in interactive User Interface. It just works by creating XML directory in…

Sooty : The SOC Analysts All-In-One CLI Tool To Automate & Speed Up Workflow

5 years ago

Sooty is a tool developed with the task of aiding SOC analysts with automating part of their workflow. One of…

CAPE : Malware Configuration And Payload Extraction

5 years ago

CAPE is a malware sandbox. It is derived from Cuckoo and is designed to automate the process of malware analysis…