FudgeC2 is a campaign orientated Powershell C2 framework built on Python3/Flask - Designed for team collaboration, client interaction, campaign timelining,…
Aura Botnet is a super portable botnet framework with a Django-based C2 server. The client is written in C++, with…
Stardox is an advanced github stargazers information gathering tool. It scraps Github for information and display them in list tree…
Semi-Automated Cyber Threat Intelligence or ACT is a research project led by mnemonic as with contributions from the University of…
PrivExchange is a tool to Exchange your privileges for Domain Admin privs by abusing Exchange. These tools require impacket. You can…
PostShell is a post-exploitation shell that includes both a bind and a back connect shell. It creates a fully interactive…
TinkererShell is a simple python reverse shell written just for fun. Simple reverse shell written in python 3.7 just for…
DetExploit is software that detect vulnerable applications and not-installed important OS updates on the system, and notify them to user.…
Stegify is a Go tool for LSB steganography, capable of hiding any file within an image. It is a simple…
Phishing has, is, and will always remain a threat. The most advanced cloud-based anti-phishing tools are there to help you…