Cuteit – IP Obfuscator Made to Make a Malicious IP a Bit Cuter

6 years ago

Cuteit IP obfuscator made to make a malicious ip a bit cuter. A simple python tool to help you to…

Phantom-Evasion : Python AV Evasion Tool Capable to Generate FUD Executable Even With The Most Common 32 bit Metasploit Payload

6 years ago

Phantom-Evasion is an interactive antivirus evasion tool written in python capable to generate (almost) FUD executable even with the most…

imago Forensics : A Python Tool That Extract Digital Evidences From Images

6 years ago

Imago is a python tool that extract digital evidences from images recursively. This tool is useful throughout a digital forensic…

VSHG : A Standalone Addon for GnuPG

6 years ago

VSHG aims to provide a memory / hardware resistant reinforcement to GnuPG's standared s2k key-derivation-function + a simplified interface for…

Angr : A Powerful & User-Friendly Binary Analysis Platform

6 years ago

Angr is a platform-agnostic binary analysis framework. It is a suite of Python 3 libraries that let you load a…

Ntopng : Web-based Traffic & Security Network Traffic Monitoring

6 years ago

Ntopng is a web-based network traffic monitoring application released under GPLv3. It is the new incarnation of the original ntop…

HT-WPS-Breaker : High Touch WPS Breaker

6 years ago

High Touch HT-WPS-BREAKER is a small tool based on the bash script language, it can help you to extract the…

R3Con1Z3R : A Lightweight Web Information Gathering Tool With an Intuitive Features

6 years ago

R3con1z3r is a lightweight Web information gathering tool with an intuitive features written in python. it provides a powerful environment…

nodeCrypto : Ransomware written in NodeJs

6 years ago

nodeCrypto is a Linux Ransomware written in NodeJs that encrypt predefined files. This project was created for educational purposes, you…

Hacking With BeEF- Fake Flash Update, Add-ons Installation, Stealing Facebook & Gmail Credentials

6 years ago

Hacking With BeEf, The Browser Exploitation Framework is a penetration testing tool which focuses strongly on web browsers. Unlike other…