Hacking Tools

AzSubEnum – Azure Service Subdomain Enumeration

AzSubEnum is a specialized subdomain enumeration tool tailored for Azure services. This tool is designed to meticulously search and identify subdomains associated with various Azure services.

Through a combination of techniques and queries, AzSubEnum delves into the Azure domain structure, systematically probing and collecting subdomains related to a diverse range of Azure services.

How It Works?

AzSubEnum operates by leveraging DNS resolution techniques and systematic permutation methods to unveil subdomains associated with Azure services such as Azure App Services, Storage Accounts, Azure Databases (including MSSQL, Cosmos DB, and Redis), Key Vaults, CDN, Email, SharePoint, Azure Container Registry, and more. Its functionality extends to comprehensively scanning different Azure service domains to identify associated subdomains.

With this tool, users can conduct thorough subdomain enumeration within Azure environments, aiding security professionals, researchers, and administrators in gaining insights into the expansive landscape of Azure services and their corresponding subdomains.

Why I Create This?

During my learning journey on Azure AD exploitation, I discovered that the Azure subdomain tool, Invoke-EnumerateAzureSubDomains from NetSPI, was unable to run on my Debian PowerShell.

Consequently, I created a crude implementation of that tool in Python.


➜  AzSubEnum git:(main) ✗ python3 azsubenum.py --help
usage: azsubenum.py [-h] -b BASE [-v] [-t THREADS] [-p PERMUTATIONS]

Azure Subdomain Enumeration

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BASE, --base BASE  Base name to use
  -v, --verbose         Show verbose output
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads for concurrent execution
                        File containing permutations

Basic enumeration:

python3 azsubenum.py -b retailcorp --thread 10

Using permutation wordlists:

python3 azsubenum.py -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt

With verbose output:

python3 azsubenum.py -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt --verbose



Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this tool is solely your responsibility. The misuse of the information in this tool can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question.

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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