Burpsuite Extensions – A collection of Burp Suite extensions

A collection of BurpSuite extensions.

Burpsuite Extensions gunziper

A plugin for the burpsuite (https://portswigger.net/burp/) which enables you to

  • “unpack” requests/responses (e.g. do an base64decode and afterwards a java deserialisation)
  • the possibility to gather e.g. a CSRF token from responses and automatically insert it in any request (without the need to do an extra request with burps macro functionality)
  • half automatically compare hundreds/thousands of responses for differences
    • Imagine you used intruder to test 10 GET parameters with payloads, and the application simply reflects the whole URL somewhere in the response. Of course, there might be XSS, but what about other vulnerabilities like SQL, XXE, … Sorting for the response size will not trivially point to relevant requests, so intruder comparer comes into play. With it, you can define a regex which strips parts of the response (e.g. the reflected URL) and then iterates over all responses and does a comparison of the last and current response, and if there are some differences, it will show a diff window similar to burp’s comparer. The libraries used for diffing are “Diff Match and Patch” (http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch) and “java-diff-utils” (http://code.google.com/p/java-diff-utils/).

Pre built jar files can be gathered from http://coding.f-block.org/

Also ReadHUNT – Burp Suite Pro/Free and OWASP ZAP Extensions

SAML ReQuest

A Burpsuite extension to test SAML authentication requests, used in many SSO implementations. It supports decoding and modification of SAML authentication requests and testing IdPs against manipulated requests. It is also integrated with Proxy, Repeater and Intruder, to make the maximum use of Burpsuite tools in testing SAML authentication requests.


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