Privilege escalation from NT Service to SYSTEM using SeImpersonateToken privilege and MS-RPRN functions. Heavily based Reflective Loader from Install Clone…
All the deals for InfoSec related software/tools this Black Friday / Cyber Monday. Researcher was a little late getting started…
This piece talks about eBPF tools and shows how they can be used to improve system monitoring by keeping track…
dynmx (spoken dynamics) is a signature-based detection approach for behavioural malware features based on Windows API call sequences. In a simplified way,…
Karton-Pcap-Miner is a strong program that quickly pulls network indicators from analysis PCAP files." It works with MWDB without any…
Crawlector (the name Crawlector is a combination of Crawler & Detector) is a threat-hunting framework designed for scanning websites for malicious objects. Note-1:…
This challenge is Inon Shkedy's 31 days API Security Tips -API TIP: 1/31- Older APIs versions tend to be more…
All the deals for InfoSec related software/tools this Black Friday / Cyber Monday. Just 2023 Things Quality over quantity -…
Hades is a basic Command & Control server built using Python. It is currently extremely bare bones, but I plan…
Forbidden Buster is a tool designed to automate various techniques in order to bypass HTTP 401 and 403 response codes…