Kali Linux

Girsh : Automatically Spawn A Reverse Shell Fully Interactive

With Girsh, just run it and it will detect the OS and execute the correct commands to upgrade it to…

4 years ago

HTTP_Bridge : Send TCP Stream Packets Over Simple HTTP Request

HTTP_Bridge is a tool used for compouned of two parts, the server and a client. Server The server is just…

4 years ago

Gitls : Enumerate Git Repository URL From List Of URL / User / Org

Gitls tool is available when the repository, such as GitHub, is included in the bug bounty scope. Sometimes specified as…

4 years ago

Go-RouterSocks : Router Sock. One Port Socks For All The Others

Go-RouterSocks is a next step after compromising a machine is to enumerate the network behind. Many tools exist to expose…

4 years ago

HiddenEyeReborn : HiddenEye With Completely New Codebase & Better Features Set

HiddenEyeReborn is my their try on doing multi-featured tool for human mistakes exploitation. Currently, HE: RE has mainly phishing features.…

4 years ago

SUB 404 : A Fast Tool To Check Subdomain Takeover Vulnerability

Sub 404 is a tool written in python which is used to check possibility of subdomain takeover vulnerability and it…

4 years ago

Procrustes : Script To Automates The Exfiltration Of Data Over DNS

Procrustes is a bash script that automates the exfiltration of data over dns in case we have a blind command…

4 years ago

Chameleon : Customizable Honeypots For Monitoring Network Traffic

Chameleon is a customizable honeypots for monitoring network traffic, bots activities and username\password credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH,…

4 years ago

uEmu : Tiny Cute Emulator Plugin For IDA Based On Unicorn

uEmu is a tiny cute emulator plugin for IDA based on unicorn engine. Supports following architectures out of the box:…

4 years ago

CertEagle : Asset Monitoring Utility

CertEagle is a asset monitoring utility using real time CT log feeds. In Bugbounties “If you are not first ,…

4 years ago