Your malware's favorite sandbox - where red teamers come to bury their payloads. A sandbox environment designed specifically for malware…
Self-spreading to other Minecraft servers using an extendable, module-based lateral movement system. Crafty Controller Auth'd RCE - undisclosed, unpatched, intentional(?)…
HellBunny is a malleable shellcode loader written in C and Assembly utilizing direct and indirect syscalls for evading EDR hooks.…
hrtng IDA plugin is a collection of tools, ideas and experiments from different sources I've found interesting and useful in…
Embed a payload within a PNG file by splitting the payload across multiple IDAT sections. Each section is encrypted individually…
The v7.3.0 capa release comes with the following three major enhancements: 1. Support For VMRay Sandbox Analysis Archives Unlock powerful…
Prince now has a Windows Defender flag, namely "Ransom:Win64/PrinceRansom.YAA!MTB". This means that Prince Ransomware will no longer bypass Windows Defender…
Usman Sikander (a.k.a Offensive-Panda) is a seasoned security professional specializing in adversary emulation, malware development, malware analysis, and red teaming.…
Adversaries may use binary padding to add junk data and change the on-disk representation of malware. This can be done…
In the cybersecurity landscape, attackers constantly devise methods to bypass security measures. One sophisticated technique is T1036.005, or Masquerading: Match…