Chepy : A Python lib/cli Equivalent Of The Awesome CyberChef Tool

Chepy is a python library with a handy cli that is aimed to mirror some of the capabilities of CyberChef. A reasonable amount of effort was put behind it to make it compatible to the various functionalities that CyberChef offers, all in a pure Pythonic manner.

There are some key advantages and disadvantages that it has over Cyberchef. The Cyberchef concept of stacking different modules is kept alive in Chepy.

There is still a long way to go for it as it does not offer every single ability of Cyberchef.


For all usage and examples, see the docs.

It has a stacking mechanism similar to Cyberchef. For example, this in Cyberchef:

This is equivalent to

from chepy import Chepy

file_path = “/tmp/demo/encoding”


Also Read – ShuffleDNS : Wrapper Around Massdns Written In Go To Enumerate Valid Subdomains Using Active Bruteforce

Chepy vs Cyberchef


  • It is pure python with a supporting and accessible python api
  • It has a CLI
  • It CLI has full autocompletion.
  • Supports pe, elf, and other various file format specific parsing.
  • Extendable via plugins
  • Infinitely scalable as it can leverage the full Python library.
  • It can interface with the full Cyberchef web app to a certain degree. It is easy to move from Chepy to Cyberchef if need be.
  • Its python library is significantly faster than the Cyberchef Node library.
  • Works with HTTP/S requests without CORS issues.


  • It is not a web app (at least for now).
  • It does not offer every single thing that Cyberchef does
  • It does not have the magic method (at the moment)


It can be installed in a few ways.


pip3 install chepy
# optionally with extra requirements
pip3 install chepy[extras]


git clone –recursive
cd chepy
pip3 install -e .
# I use -e here so that if I update later with git pull, I dont have it install it again (unless dependencies have changed)


docker run –rm -ti -v $PWD:/data securisec/chepy “some string” [somefile, “another string”]

Standalone binary

One can build it to be a standalone binary also. This includes packaging all the dependencies together.

git clone
cd chepy
pip install .
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller –name chepy –onefile

The binary will be in the dist/ folder.


Check here for plugins docs

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
:caption: Contents:

Indices and tables



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