CodeCat is an open-source tool to help you find/track user input sinks and security bugs using static code analysis. These points follow regex rules. Current rules for C,C++,GO, Python, javascript, Swift, PHP, Ruby, ASP, Kotlin, Dart and Java.(you can create your rules).
Go to CodeCat directory, install backend and frontend libs:
$ apt install python3-venv python3-dev libffi-dev rustc libssl-dev
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install wheel
$ pip install -r Frontend/requirements.txt
$ pip install -r Backend/requirements.txt
Run backend and frontend
$ cd Codecat
$ cd Frontend; python3 &
$ cd ..
$ cd Backend; python3 &
Next step you need save your user to login:
$ curl -i -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“email”:””,”username”:”admin”,”password”:”rubrik123″}’ -k
These endpoint /API/users run only once in the first deployment. If you try to send a request again to insert a user, the endpoint return 404 is security to block resources of possible attacks.
Go to the following “”. Now you can enter this system-auth, use login “admin”, pass “rubrik123”.
Note About TLS: You can configure and load your TLS cert in “”.
Suppose you need to run in production. So I recommend another way.
$ gunicorn -b wsgi:app
If you want, you can use TLS with CERT resources:
$ gunicorn –certfile=server.crt –keyfile=server.key -b wsgi:app
The same command to frontend, but you need to use port 50093.
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