Covert-Tube is a program to control systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube using Python to create the videos and the listener, emulating some malware I was reading about. It allows to create videos with frames formed of simple text, QR codes with cleartext or QR codes using AES encryption.
The videos can be created using enter the commands and generate the video writing “exit”. The video generated is called by default output.avi (can be updated in
Run the listener and upload the video to Youtube
The listener will check the Youtube channel every 300 seconds by default (can be updated in First the video is uploaded:
After finding there is a new video in the channel, it is downloaded and the commands are executed:
We can see the output from the commands:
Update the file:
For all the project:
sudo apt install libzbar0
pip3 install Pillow opencv-python youtube_dl pytesseract pyqrcode pypng pyzbar pycrypto
git clone
Creating a standalone binary
pyinstaller –onefile
cp dist/main covert-tube
rm -rf dist build
rm main.spec
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