Cyber security

Dependency-Track 4.11.2 : Enhancements, Fixes, And Security Updates

For official releases, refer to Dependency Track Docs >> Changelogs for information about improvements and upgrade notes.
If additional details are required, consult the closed issues for this release milestone.

# SHA1
174956bf3cd2dab16cfd36e7ab1b5d7001b99160  dependency-track-apiserver.jar
af75c903b033418ea6326cbb4e6885afba99ee94  dependency-track-bundled.jar
# SHA256
135cf4361bbbc65f488796bf196c8d2d3cbebec931b249e037551c6fbbae2ed7  dependency-track-apiserver.jar
5020ac51158038439b7482d5c5fec151773162724dce1779249bf73053456d34  dependency-track-bundled.jar
# SHA512
2002e27260b5cd4f96384828ef57f753916faab5ad06e0299958c3ab3e328045f2e805d0b1c3c56c85b4602d473c10d2c23d1098c94a4db93af0959c45b6ede8  dependency-track-apiserver.jar
262b582bd2dcbbb8966acd5dae3df88bc318590da0e66a7ac11f2197ccdca89b773013f317b5fe945650f16a48d2c4601356df10d77c10666d899917755cc0c8  dependency-track-bundled.jar

What’s Changed

Bug Fixes

  • Backport: Handle breaking change in Trivy server API by @nscuro in #3785
  • Backport: Fix project name not showing in Jira tickets by @nscuro (original change by @lgrguricmileusnic) in #3787
  • Backport: Add date format to support offset in NuGet timestamps by @nscuro (original change by @sahibamittal) in #3788
  • Backport: Fix licenses not being resolved by name by @nscuro in #3786
  • Backport: Fix Slack notifications failing when no base URL is configured by @nscuro in #3792

Dependency Updates

  • Backport: Bump bundled frontend to 4.11.2 by @nscuro in #3794

Other Changes

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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