Kali Linux

EDD : Enumerate Domain Data

EDD (Enumerate Domain Data) is designed to be similar to Power View but in .NET. Power View is essentially the ultimate domain enumeration tool, and we wanted a .NET implementation that we worked on ourselves. This tool was largely put together by viewing implementations of different functionality across a wide range of existing projects and combining them into EDD.


To use EDD, you just need to call the application, provide the function that you want to run (listed below) and provide any optional/required parameters used by the function.


The following functions can be used with the -f flag to specify the data you want to enumerate/action you want to take.

Forest/Domain Information

getdomainsid – Returns the domain sid (by default current domain if no domain is provided)
getforest – returns the name of the current forest
getforestdomains – returns the name of all domains in the current forest
convertsidtoname – Converts a SID to the corresponding group or domain name (use the -u option for providing the SID value)
getadcsservers – Get a list of servers running AD CS within the current domain

Computer Information

getdomaincomputers – Get a list of all computers in the domain
getdomaincontrollers – Gets a list of all domain controllers
getdomainshares – Get a list of all accessible domain shares

User Information

getnetlocalgroupmember – Returns a list of all users in a local group on a remote system
getnetdomaingroupmember – Returns a list of all users in a domain group
getdomainuser – Retrieves info about specific user (name, description, SID, Domain Groups)
getnetsession – Returns a list of accounts with sessions on the targeted system
getnetloggedon – Returns a list of accounts logged into the targeted system
getuserswithspns – Returns a list of all domain accounts that have a SPN associated with them

Chained Information

finddomainprocess – Search for a specific process across all systems in the domain (requires admin access on remote systems)
finddomainuser – Searches the domain environment for a specified user or group and tries to find active sessions (default searches for Domain Admins)
findinterestingdomainsharefile – Searches the domain environment for all accessible shares. Once found, it parses all filenames for “interesting” strings
findwritableshares – Enumerates all shares in the domain and then checks to see if the current account can create a text file in the root level share, and one level deep.


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