Evil-Winrm : The Ultimate WinRM Shell For Hacking/Pentesting

Evil-WinRM is the ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting. WinRM (Windows Remote Management) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol. A standard SOAP based protocol that allows hardware and operating systems from different vendors to interoperate. Microsoft included it in their Operating Systems in order to make life easier to system administrators.

This program can be used on any Microsoft Windows Servers with this feature enabled (usually at port 5985), of course only if you have credentials and permissions to use it. So we can say that it could be used in a post-exploitation hacking/pentesting phase.

The purpose of this program is to provide nice and easy-to-use features for hacking. It can be used with legitimate purposes by system administrators as well but the most of its features are focused on hacking/pentesting stuff.


  • Load in memory Powershell scripts
  • Load in memory dll files bypassing some AVs
  • Load in memory C# (C Sharp) assemblies bypassing some AVs
  • Load x64 payloads generated with awesome donut technique
  • AMSI Bypass
  • Pass-the-hash support
  • Kerberos auth support
  • SSL and certificates support
  • Upload and download files
  • List remote machine services without privileges
  • Command History
  • WinRM command completion
  • Local files completion
  • Colorization on output messages (can be disabled optionally)
  • Docker support (prebuilt images available at Dockerhub)

Also Read – SCShell : Fileless Lateral Movement Tool That Relies On ChangeServiceConfigA To Run Command


Usage: evil-winrm -i IP -u USER [-s SCRIPTS_PATH] [-e EXES_PATH] [-P PORT] [-p PASS] [-H HASH] [-U URL] [-S] [-c PUBLIC_KEY_PATH ] [-k PRIVATE_KEY_PATH ] [-r REALM]
-S, –ssl Enable ssl
-c, –pub-key PUBLIC_KEY_PATH Local path to public key certificate
-k, –priv-key PRIVATE_KEY_PATH Local path to private key certificate
-r, –realm DOMAIN Kerberos auth, it has to be set also in /etc/krb5.conf file using this format -> CONTOSO.COM = { kdc = fooserver.contoso.com }
-s, –scripts PS_SCRIPTS_PATH Powershell scripts local path
-e, –executables EXES_PATH C# executables local path
-i, –ip IP Remote host IP or hostname (required)
-U, –url URL Remote url endpoint (default wsman)
-u, –user USER Username (required if not using kerberos)
-p, –password PASS Password
-H, –hash NTHash NTHash
-P, –port PORT Remote host port (default 5985)
-V, –version Show version
-h, –help Display this help message


Ruby 2.3 or higher is needed. Some ruby gems are needed as well: winrm >=2.3.2, winrm-fs >=1.3.2, stringio >=0.0.2 and colorize >=0.8.1. Depending of your installation method (3 availables) the installation of them could be required to be done manually.

Another important requirement only used for Kerberos auth is to install the Kerberos package used for network authentication. For some Linux like Debian based (Kali, Parrot, etc.) it is called krb5-user. For BlackArch it is called krb5 and probably it could be called in a different way for other Linux distributions.

Installation & Quick Start (4 methods)

Method 1. Installation directly as ruby gem (dependencies will be installed automatically on your system)

  • Step 1. Install it (it will install automatically dependencies): gem install evil-winrm
  • Step 2. Ready. Just launch it! ~$ evil-winrm -i -u Administrator -p 'MySuperSecr3tPass123!' -s '/home/foo/ps1_scripts/' -e '/home/foo/exe_files/'

Method 2. Git clone and install dependencies on your system manually

  • Step 1. Install dependencies manually: ~$ sudo gem install winrm winrm-fs colorize stringio
  • Step 2. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/Hackplayers/evil-winrm.git
  • Step 3. Ready. Just launch it! ~$ cd evil-winrm && ruby evil-winrm.rb -i -u Administrator -p 'MySuperSecr3tPass123!' -s '/home/foo/ps1_scripts/' -e '/home/foo/exe_files/'

Method 3. Using bundler (dependencies will not be installed on your system, just to use evil-winrm)

  • Step 1. Install bundler: gem install bundler:2.0.2
  • Step 2. Install dependencies with bundler: cd evil-winrm && bundle install --path vendor/bundle
  • Step 3. Launch it with bundler: bundle exec evil-winrm.rb -i -u Administrator -p 'MySuperSecr3tPass123!' -s '/home/foo/ps1_scripts/' -e '/home/foo/exe_files/'

Method 4. Using Docker

  • Step 1. Launch docker container based on already built image: docker run --rm -ti --name evil-winrm -v /home/foo/ps1_scripts:/ps1_scripts -v /home/foo/exe_files:/exe_files -v /home/foo/data:/data oscarakaelvis/evil-winrm -i -u Administrator -p 'MySuperSecr3tPass123!' -s '/ps1_scripts/' -e '/exe_files/'


Clear text password

If you don’t want to put the password in clear text, you can optionally avoid to set -p argument and the password will be prompted preventing to be shown.


To use IPv6, the address must be added to /etc/hosts. Just put the already set name of the host after -i argument instead of an IP address.

Basic commands

  • upload: local files can be auto-completed using tab key.
    • usage: upload local_filename or upload local_filename destination_filename
  • download:
    • usage: download remote_filename or download remote_filename destination_filename

Notes about paths (upload/download): Relative paths are not allowed to use on download/upload. Use filenames on current directory or absolute path. If you are using Evil-WinRM in a docker environment, bear in mind that all local paths should be at /data and be pretty sure that you mapped it as a volume in order to be able to access to downloaded files or to be able to upload files from your local host O.S.

  • services: list all services. No administrator permissions needed.
  • menu: load the Invoke-Binary, l04d3r-LoadDll, Donut-Loader and Bypass-4MSI functions that we will explain below. When a ps1 is loaded all its functions will be shown up.

Load powershell scripts

  • To load a ps1 file you just have to type the name (auto-completion usnig tab allowed). The scripts must be in the path set at -s argument. Type menu again and see the loaded functions. Very large files can take a long time to be loaded.

Advanced commands

  • Invoke-Binary: allows exes compiled from c# to be executed in memory. The name can be auto-completed using tab key and allows up to 3 parameters. The executables must be in the path set at -e argument.

l04d3r-LoadDll: allows loading dll libraries in memory, it is equivalent to: [Reflection.Assembly]::Load([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("pwn.dll"))

The dll file can be hosted by smb, http or locally. Once it is loaded type menu, then it is possible to autocomplete all functions.

Donut-Loader: allows to inject x64 payloads generated with awesome donut technique. No need to encode the payload.bin, just generate and inject!

You can use this donut-maker to generate the payload.bin if you don’t use Windows. This script use a python module written by Marcello Salvati (byt3bl33d3r). It could be installed using pip:

pip3 install donut-shellcode

Bypass-4MSI: patchs AMSI protection.


  • First you have to sync date with the DC: rdate -n <dc_ip>
  • To generate ticket there are many ways:
    • Using ticketer.py from impacket: ticketer.py -dc-ip <dc_ip> -nthash <krbtgt_nthash> -domain-sid <domain_sid> -domain <domain_name> <user>
    • If you get a kirbi ticket using Rubeus or Mimikatz you have to convert to ccache using ticket_converter.py: python ticket_converter.py ticket.kirbi ticket.ccache
  • Add ccache ticket. There are 2 ways: export KRB5CCNAME=/foo/var/ticket.ccache cp ticket.ccache /tmp/krb5cc_0
  • Add realm to /etc/krb5.conf (for linux). Use of this format is important: CONTOSO.COM = { kdc = fooserver.contoso.con }
  • Check Kerberos tickets with klist
  • To remove ticket use: kdestroy
  • For more information about Kerberos check this cheatsheet

Extra features

  • To disable colors just modify on code this variable $colors_enabled. Set it to false: $colors_enabled = false

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