Findomain : A Cross-Platform Tool That Use Certificate Transparency Logs To Find Subdomains

Findomain is a cross-platform tool that use Certificates Transparency logs to find subdomains. We currently support Linux, Windows and MacOS. All supported platforms are 64 bits.

How it works?

It tool doesn’t use the common methods for sub(domains) discover, the tool uses Certificate Transparency logs to find subdomains and it method make it tool very faster and reliable. The tool make use of multiple public available APIs to perform the search.

If you want to know more about Certificate Transparency logs, read

APIs that we using at the moment:

If you know other that should be added, open an issue.

Also Read – SneakyEXE : Embedding “UAC-Bypassing” Function Into Your Custom Payload

Installation Linux Using Source Code

If you want to install it, you can do that manually compiling the source or using the precompiled binary.

Manually: You need to have Rust installed in your computer first.

$ git clone
$ cd findomain
$ cargo build –release
$ sudo cp target/release/findomain /usr/bin/
$ findomain

Installation Linux Using Compiled Artifices

$ wget
$ chmod +x findomain-linux
$ ./findomain-linux

If you are using the BlackArch Linux distribution, you just need to use:

$ sudo pacman -S findomain

Installation Windows

Download the binary from

Open a CMD shell and go to the dir where findomain-windows.exe was downloaded.

Exec: findomain-windows in the CMD shell.

Installation MacOS

$ wget
$ chmod +x findomain-osx.dms
$ ./findomain-osx.dms


You can use the tool in two ways, only discovering the domain name or discovering the domain + the IP address.

findomain 0.1.4
Eduard Tolosa
A tool that use Certificates Transparency logs to find subdomains.

findomain [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

-a, –all-apis Use all the available APIs to perform the search. It take more time but you will have a lot of
more results.
-h, –help Prints help information
-i, –get-ip Return the subdomain list with IP address if resolved.
-V, –version Prints version information

-f, –file Sets the input file to use.
-o, –output Write data to output file in the specified format. [possible values: txt, csv, json]
-t, –target Target host


  1. Make a simple search of subdomains and print the info in the screen:

findomain -t

  1. Make a simple search of subdomains using all the APIs and print the info in the screen:

findomain -t -a

  1. Make a search of subdomains and export the data to a CSV file:

findomain -t -o csv

  1. Make a search of subdomains using all the APIs and export the data to a CSV file:

findomain -t -a -o csv

  1. Make a search of subdomains and resolve the IP address of subdomains (if possible):

findomain -t -i

  1. Make a search of subdomains with all the APIs and resolve the IP address of subdomains (if possible):

findomain -t -i -a

  1. Make a search of subdomains with all the APIs and resolve the IP address of subdomains (if possible), exporting the data to a CSV file:

findomain -t -i -a -o csv


  • Discover subdomains without brute-force, it tool uses Certificate Transparency Logs.
  • Discover subdomains with or without IP address according to user arguments.
  • Read target from user argument (-t).
  • Read a list of targets from file and discover their subdomains with or without IP and also write to output files per-domain if specified by the user, recursively.
  • Write output to TXT file.
  • Write output to CSV file.
  • Write output to JSON file.
  • Cross platform support: Linux, Windows, MacOS.
  • Optional multiple API support.

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