Finsploit is a simple bash script to quickly and easily search both local and online exploit databases.
This repository also includes “copysploit” to copy any exploit-db exploit to the current directory and “compilesploit” to automatically compile and run any C exploit (ie. ./copysploit 1337.c && ./compilesploit 1337.c).
For updates to this script, type findsploit update
Search for all exploits and modules using a single search term:
* findsploit <search_term_1> (ie. findsploit apache)
Search multiple search terms:
* findsploit <search_term_1> <search_term_2> <search_term_3> ...
Show all NMap scripts:
* findsploit nmap
Search for all FTP NMap scripts:
* findsploit nmap | grep ftp
Show all Metasploit auxiliary modules:
* findsploit auxiliary
Show all Metasploit exploits:
* findsploit exploits
Show all Metasploit encoder modules:
* findsploit encoder
Show all Metasploit payloads modules:
* findsploit payloads
Search all Metasploit payloads for windows only payloads:
* findsploit payloads | grep windows
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