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First Look at Kali Linux 2.0

A rebirth of a penetration testing distribution – Kali Linux 2.0 Codename: Kali Sana

On August 11th, Kali Linux Version 2.0 was released. It was codenamed as Sana. After rigorous changes & updates from Kali 1.0 to 1.1, the makers of Kali Linux, Offensive Security have decided to go for version 2.0 with major changes since the release of Kali Linux. Mainly some end user modifications, like accessibility, newer tools, more stable & updated kernel are some of the updates. The developers, have made the new version more user friendly and interactive with latest desktop environments. The developers also say that it is highly customizable. Another major notable thing is that Kali Linux now supports a variety of ARM devices including some of the latest smartphones.

Here are the major updates

GNOME 3 Session

The most tweaky update of all in the new version of Kali Linux is the introduction of a full Gnome 3 session. In the older versions, it was a fallback (with limited features). Many didn’t want to change to Kali from Backtrack because of the completely dark enviornment and a pitch black wallpaper. The new version comes with a bright new wallpaper, the GNOME 3 Hot corner(Apps Overview) a highly customizable sidebar, new, improved & customized GTK-Shell and many more visual tweeks.


  1. More user friendly
  2. Highly Customizable
  3. Comes with Gnome-Tweak-Tool by default
  4. Brighter Experience.
  5. Additional features like multiple desktops, easy screen & sound recorder, apps corner etc.


  1. Minimum requirements are higher.
  2. Consumes more resources.

Here are some Screenshots


Better Support for ARM & other robotic kits.

Officially, Kali Linux is now available for all major versions of Google Chromebooks, Raspberry PI Odroids & some more robotic kits. In addition to this, Kali & the Nethunter images have more stable support for devices like Nexus, One Plus 1 which is a new addition. Also the developers claim that it will be easier to compile new drivers since they have included all source kernel headers.

In addition to this, the have given a new VMware/VirtualBox image also with improved Guest addition packages.


  1. Complete kernel solves many driver issues found on earlier versions.
  2. Better for those who have knowledge in embedded/robotic/electronic systems.Can be now installed on Chromebooks and other ARM based systems.
  3. Nethunter for Nexus 5 – 10 & for OnePlus 1.

Cons: Probably none

Know More:

A list of Images:


This is one of the major cons in the new version. The new version of Kali Linux comes with the Open-source base package of metasploit and the WebUI & other community/pro services aren’t available. Anyway, Metasploit Community can be downloaded, registered & installed from Rapid7’s website.



What could that be ? Yes the advantage is that, the developers claim, it has a faster & smoother experience because of the use of native-ruby packages.


  1. Service Metasploit is not available. So one has to manually start up PGSql, initialize the database & connect it.
  2. The much user friendly WebUI of Metasploit Community/PRO is not available.

Updated & Better Tools.

From the first look, the old menu system has undergone some minor changes but some new tools have been added. One of the notable thing  is the addition of PixieWPS which can be used for attacking & cracking WPS much faster.  Then of course the kernel is Linux kernel 4.0. Also the developers are sticking to debian standards. Source packages are constantly being pulled from the debian testing repo & newer packages are also tested on Kali Linux. This makes it a stable & cutting edge distribution compliant with Debian Standards.


All in all, Offensive Security, the makers of Kali Linux have took the release of Kali Linux 2.0 very seriously. They have brought about some drastic changes making this platform compatible fro a wider number of devices & ensuring more stability. Also new & improved tool set and interface has been introduced in Kali sana making it the most powerful Penetration Testing Distribution to date.

Ravi Sankar

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