Flashsploit is an Exploitation Framework for Attacks using ATtiny85 HID Devices such as Digispark USB Development Board, flashsploit generates Arduino IDE Compatible (.ino) Scripts based on User Input and then Starts a Listener in Metasploit-Framework if Required by the Script, in Summary : Automatic Script Generation with Automated msfconsole.
Data Exfiltration
Also Read – Intrigue Core : Discover Your Attack Surface
Reverse Shells
Tested on
Flashsploit Depends upon 4 Packages which are Generally Pre-installed in Major Pentest OS :
If you think I should still make an Install Script, Open an issue.
git clone https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/flashsploit.git
cd flashsploit
python3 flashsploit.py
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