ForceAdmin is a c# payload builder, creating infinate UAC pop-ups until the user allows the program to be ran. The inputted commands are ran via powershell calling cmd.exe and should be using the batch syntax. Why use? Well some users have UAC set to always show, so UAC bypass techniques are not possible. However – this attack will force them to run as admin. Bypassing these settings.
For building on your own, the following NuGet packages are needed
: “Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies.”Costura.Fody
“Fody add-in for embedding references as resources.”Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client
“This package adds support for formatting and content negotiation to System.Net.Http. It includes support for JSON, XML, and form URL encoded data.”You can download the latest tarball by clicking here or latest zipball by clicking here.
Download the project:
$ git clone
Enter the project folder
$ cd ForceAdmin
Run ForceAdmin:
$ dotnet run
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