This is a tool for searching Exploits from some Exploit Databases. Exploits are inserted at sqlite database(go-exploitdb) can be searched by command line interface.
In server mode, a simple Web API can be used.
As the following vulnerabilities database
There’s a Docker image available docker pull vulsio/go-exploitdb
. When using the container, it takes the same arguments as the normal command line.
go-exploitdb requires the following packages.
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd go-exploitdb
$ make install
$ go-exploitdb fetch --help
Fetch the data of exploit
go-exploitdb fetch [command]
Available Commands:
awesomepoc Fetch the data of Awesome Poc
exploitdb Fetch the data of offensive security exploit db
githubrepos Fetch the data of github repos
inthewild Fetch the data of inTheWild Poc
--batch-size int The number of batch size to insert. (default 500)
-h, --help help for fetch
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.go-exploitdb.yaml)
--dbpath string /path/to/sqlite3 or SQL connection string
--dbtype string Database type to store data in (sqlite3, mysql, postgres or redis supported)
--debug debug mode (default: false)
--debug-sql SQL debug mode
--http-proxy string http://proxy-url:port (default: empty)
--log-dir string /path/to/log
--log-json output log as JSON
--log-to-file output log to file
Use "go-exploitdb fetch [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Fetch and Insert Offensive Security ExploitDB
$ go-exploitdb fetch exploitdb
$ go-exploitdb search -h
Search the data of exploit
go-exploitdb search [flags]
-h, --help help for search
--param string All Exploits: None | by CVE: [CVE-xxxx] | by ID: [xxxx] (default: None)
--type string All Exploits by CVE: CVE | by ID: ID (default: CVE)
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.go-exploitdb.yaml)
--dbpath string /path/to/sqlite3 or SQL connection string
--dbtype string Database type to store data in (sqlite3, mysql, postgres or redis supported)
--debug debug mode (default: false)
--debug-sql SQL debug mode
--http-proxy string http://proxy-url:port (default: empty)
--log-dir string /path/to/log
--log-json output log as JSON
--log-to-file output log to file
For more information click here.
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