Cyber security

go-exploitdb : A Comprehensive Guide To Managing Exploit Databases

This is a tool for searching Exploits from some Exploit Databases. Exploits are inserted at sqlite database(go-exploitdb) can be searched by command line interface.

In server mode, a simple Web API can be used.

As the following vulnerabilities database

  1. ExploitDB(OffensiveSecurity) by CVE number or Exploit Database ID.
  2. GitHub Repositories
  3. Awesome Cve Poc
  4. inTheWild DB

Docker Deployment

There’s a Docker image available docker pull vulsio/go-exploitdb. When using the container, it takes the same arguments as the normal command line.

Installation For Local Deployment


go-exploitdb requires the following packages.

  • git
  • SQLite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis
  • latest version of go
Install go-exploitdb
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd go-exploitdb
$ make install

Usage: Fetch And Insert Exploit

$ go-exploitdb fetch --help
Fetch the data of exploit

  go-exploitdb fetch [command]

Available Commands:
  awesomepoc  Fetch the data of Awesome Poc
  exploitdb   Fetch the data of offensive security exploit db
  githubrepos Fetch the data of github repos
  inthewild   Fetch the data of inTheWild Poc

      --batch-size int   The number of batch size to insert. (default 500)
  -h, --help             help for fetch

Global Flags:
      --config string       config file (default is $HOME/.go-exploitdb.yaml)
      --dbpath string       /path/to/sqlite3 or SQL connection string
      --dbtype string       Database type to store data in (sqlite3, mysql, postgres or redis supported)
      --debug               debug mode (default: false)
      --debug-sql           SQL debug mode
      --http-proxy string   http://proxy-url:port (default: empty)
      --log-dir string      /path/to/log
      --log-json            output log as JSON
      --log-to-file         output log to file

Use "go-exploitdb fetch [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Fetch and Insert Offensive Security ExploitDB

$ go-exploitdb fetch exploitdb

Usage: Search Exploits

$ go-exploitdb search -h

Search the data of exploit

  go-exploitdb search [flags]

  -h, --help            help for search
      --param string   All Exploits: None  |  by CVE: [CVE-xxxx]  | by ID: [xxxx]  (default: None)
      --type string    All Exploits by CVE: CVE  |  by ID: ID (default: CVE)

Global Flags:
      --config string       config file (default is $HOME/.go-exploitdb.yaml)
      --dbpath string       /path/to/sqlite3 or SQL connection string
      --dbtype string       Database type to store data in (sqlite3, mysql, postgres or redis supported)
      --debug               debug mode (default: false)
      --debug-sql           SQL debug mode
      --http-proxy string   http://proxy-url:port (default: empty)
      --log-dir string      /path/to/log
      --log-json            output log as JSON
      --log-to-file         output log to file

For more information click here.


Varshini is a Cyber Security expert in Threat Analysis, Vulnerability Assessment, and Research. Passionate about staying ahead of emerging Threats and Technologies.

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