Hooka is able to generate shellcode loaders with multiple capabilities. It is also based on other tools like BokuLoader, Freeze or Shhhloader, and it tries to implement more evasion features.
Why in Golang? Why not?
This tool is able to generate loaders with this features:
Just clone the repository like this:
git clone https://github.com/D3Ext/Hooka
cd Hooka
After that you will find the binary under the build/
_ _ _ _
| | | | ___ ___ | | __ __ _ | |
| |_| | / _ \ / _ \ | |/ / / _` | | |
| _ | | (_) | | (_) | | < | (_| | |_|
|_| |_| \___/ \___/ |_|\_\ \__,_| (_)
Usage of Hooka:
-i, --input string payload to inject in raw format, as PE, as DLL or from a URL
-o, --output string name of output file (i.e. loader.exe)
-f, --format string format of the payload to generate (available: exe, dll) (default exe)
--proc string process to spawn (in suspended state) when needed for given execution technique (default notepad.exe)
--exec string technique used to load shellcode (default "SuspendedProcess"):
-a, --arch string architecture of the loader to generate (default amd64)
-c, --cert string certificate to sign generated loader with (i.e. cert.pfx)
-d, --domain string domain used to sign loader (i.e. www.microsoft.com)
--enc string encrypts shellcode using given algorithm (available: aes, 3des, rc4, xor) (default none)
--sgn use Shikata Ga Nai to encode generated loader (it must be installed on path)
--strings obfuscate strings using Caesar cipher
--unhook string unhooking technique to use (available: full, peruns)
--sandbox enable sandbox evasion
--no-amsi don't patch AMSI
--no-etw don't patch ETW
--hashing use hashes to retrieve function pointers
--acg enable ACG Guard to prevent AV/EDR from modifying existing executable code
--blockdlls prevent non-Microsoft signed DLLs from injecting in child processes
--phantom suspend EventLog threads using Phant0m technique. High privileges needed, otherwise loader skips this step
--sleep delay shellcode execution using a custom sleep function
--calc use a calc.exe shellcode to test loader capabilities (don't provide input file)
--compress compress generated loader using Golang compiler and UPX if it's installed
-r, --rand use a random set of parameters to create a random loader (just for testing purposes)
-v, --verbose enable verbose to print extra information
-h, --help print help panel
hooka -i shellcode.bin -o loader.exe
hooka -i -o loader.exe
hooka -i shellcode.bin -o loader.exe --exec NtCreateThreadEx --unhook full --sleep 60 --acg
hooka -i shellcode.bin -o loader.dll --domain www.domain.com --enc aes --verbose
For more information click here.
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