Hybrid Test Framework is a framework supports WebUi automation across a variety of browsers like Chrome, Firefox, IE, no only limited to this but extended to test rest api, security and visual testing.
$ git clone
$ cd
$ import project from intellij as a gradle project
$ gradle clean
$ gradle build
$ gradle task E2E
$ gradle allureReport
$ gradle allureServe
Create new class and name as the TC00*_E2E_TEST-***
$ docker-compose up -d
Complete infrastructure creation for local run
$ $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra up -d
Spin-up four additional node-chrome/firefox instances linked to the hub
$ docker-compose scale chrome=5
$ docker-compose scale firefox=5
Spin-up kafka instances
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml up
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml down –rmi all
Spin-up selenium hub in kubernetes instance
$ kubectl apply -f selenium-k8s-deploy-svc.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.0.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
$ kubectl proxy
$ kubectl describe secret -n kube-system | grep deployment -A 12
To delete deployments
$ kubectl delete deployment selenium-node-firefox
$ kubectl delete deployment selenium-node-chrome
$ kubectl delete deployment selenium-hub
navigate to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
garak checks if an LLM can be made to fail in a way we don't…
Vermilion is a simple and lightweight CLI tool designed for rapid collection, and optional exfiltration…
ADCFFS is a PowerShell script that can be used to exploit the AD CS container…
Tartufo will, by default, scan the entire history of a git repository for any text…
Loco is strongly inspired by Rails. If you know Rails and Rust, you'll feel at…
A data hoarder’s dream come true: bundle any web page into a single HTML file.…