Web Application Analysis

IDOR Scanner : A Comprehensive Tool For Detecting Insecure Direct Object References

The IDOR Scanner is a powerful Burp Suite extension designed to identify potential Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerabilities in web applications.

Written in Python, it leverages both passive and active scanning techniques to detect and confirm IDOR issues.

Key Features

  • Detection of Numeric Fields: The extension scans various parts of HTTP requests and responses for numeric fields, including URL paths, query parameters, JSON bodies, URL-encoded bodies, multipart/form-data bodies, and response body file references.
  • Passive Scanning: During passive scanning, it analyzes outgoing HTTP requests and their responses. If numeric fields are found, it logs a “Potentially IDOR Endpoint Detected” issue. It also scans response bodies for file references that could be enumeration vectors.
  • Active Scanning: The extension performs an active scan by modifying detected numeric fields. It sends the original request to establish a baseline response, increments the numeric values, sends modified requests, and compares the responses. If a modified request returns a 200 OK with a different response size, it raises an “IDORs Confirmed (Active)” issue.
  • Manual IDOR Scanning: Users can manually scan specific issues via the context menu by right-clicking on a “Potentially IDOR Endpoint Detected” issue and selecting “Extensions -> Scan IDOR.”

How It Works

  1. Request and Response Analysis: The extension analyzes HTTP methods, paths, query strings, request bodies, and response bodies for numeric fields and file references.
  2. Integration with Burp Suite: It integrates seamlessly with Burp Suite’s passive and active scanning capabilities and provides a context menu option for manual scans.
  3. Easy Deployment: The extension is simple to install via the Extender tab in Burp Suite by loading the Python file from the cloned repository.
  • Automatic Scanning: Users can rely on the extension to automatically analyze requests and responses during normal Burp Suite usage.
  • Reviewing Issues: Detected issues are listed in the Scanner tab or Issues list, allowing users to review and analyze response variations.

Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome, encouraging community involvement in enhancing the tool’s capabilities.

Overall, the IDOR Scanner is a valuable tool for web security testers, providing a comprehensive approach to identifying and confirming IDOR vulnerabilities in web applications.


Varshini is a Cyber Security expert in Threat Analysis, Vulnerability Assessment, and Research. Passionate about staying ahead of emerging Threats and Technologies.

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