Kali Linux

Kubernetes-Goat : Is A “Vulnerable By Design” Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes-Goat is designed to be an intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security.

Setting Up Kubernetes Goat

Before we set up the Kubernetes Goat, ensure that you have created and have admin access to the Kubernetes cluster

kubectl version –short

Set up the helm version 2 in your path as helm2. Refer to helm releases for more information about setup

helm2 –help

Then finally setup Kubernetes Goat by running the following command

git clone https://github.com/madhuakula/kubernetes-goat.git
cd kubernetes-goat
bash setup-kubernetes-goat.sh

To export the ports/services locally to start learning, run the following command

bash access-kubernetes-goat.sh

Setting up Kubernetes Goat using KIND

If you want to set up the Kubernetes Goat using KIND (Kubernetes IN Docker), then follow the below steps

Make sure you have followed the pre-requisites as mentioned in the Kubernetes Goat. Also, you must have KIND installed and setup locally in your system.

  • To setup the KIND cluster run the following command

bash setup-kind-cluster-and-goat.sh

Then to access the Kubernetes Goat locally, run the following command

bash access-kubernetes-goat.sh

To destroy the KIND cluster run the following command

bash teardown-cluster.sh


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