
LdrLibraryEx – A Lightweight x64 Library For Loading DLLs Into Memory

A small x64 library to load dll’s into memory. n the world of software development, efficient DLL loading is a crucial aspect of optimizing performance and functionality.

Enter “LdrLibraryEx,” a powerful x64 library designed to streamline the process of loading DLLs into memory.

This lightweight and versatile tool offers developers a range of features, from low dependencies and memory-based loading to advanced functionality, making it an invaluable asset for enhancing Windows application performance.

Join us as we explore the capabilities and benefits of LdrLibraryEx in this comprehensive guide.


  • low dependencies & function use (only ntdll.dll used)
  • position independent code
  • lightweight and minimal
  • easy to use
  • load modules from memory
  • load modules from disk
  • api sets support
  • bypass image load callbacks (using private memory)
  • support for images with delayed import, tls, seh, etc.


Library Flags

Flags can be combined

LIBRARYEX_NONE: Map module from disk into memory and execute entrypoint.

LIBRARYEX_BYPASS_LOAD_CALLBACK: Map module from disk into private memory (unbacked) which bypasses image load callbacks (PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine)

LIBRARYEX_NO_ENTRY: Do not execute the entrypoint of the module.

LIBRARYEX_BUFFER: Map the module from memory instead from disk.

Function: LdrLibrary

Easy to use function to load a library into memory. The first param, based on what flags has been specified, can be either a wide string module name to load or memory address where the PE is located at.

 * @brief
 *  load library into memory
 * @param Buffer
 *  buffer context to load library
 *  either a wide string or a buffer pointer 
 *  the to PE file to map (LIBRARYEX_BUFFER)
 * @param Library
 *  loaded library pointer
 * @param Flags
 *  flags
 * @return
 *  status of function
 */NTSTATUS LdrLibrary(
    _In_  PVOID  Buffer,
    _Out_ PVOID* Library,
    _In_  ULONG  Flags

This example shows how to load a module from disk (from the System32 path):

PVOID Module = { 0 };
ULONG Flags  = { 0 };

// mapping flags to be used by the library

// map file into memory
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status = LdrLibrary( L"advapi32.dll", &Module, Flags ) ) ) {
    printf( "[-] LdrLibraryEx Failed: %p\n", Status );

printf( "[*] Module @ %p\n", Module );

This examples shows how to load a module from a memory buffer:

PVOID Module = { 0 };
ULONG Flags  = { 0 };

// mapping flags to be used by the library

// read file on disk into memory
if ( ! ( Image = ReadFileBuffer( L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\advapi32.dll", NULL ) ) ) {
    puts( "[-] ReadFileBuffer Failed" );

// map file into memory
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status = LdrLibrary( Image, &Module, Flags ) ) ) {
    printf( "[-] LdrLibraryEx Failed: %p\n", Status );

printf( "[*] Module @ %p\n", Module );

It is also possible to load modules based on their api set (win10+ support only):

// map file into memory
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status = LdrLibrary( L"api-ms-win-base-util-l1-1-0.dll", &Module, Flags ) ) ) {
    printf( "[-] LdrLibraryEx Failed: %p\n", Status );

printf( "[*] Module @ %p\n",  );

Function: LdrLibraryEx

LdrLibraryEx allows to hook certain functions to modify the behaviour of how a library should be mapped into memory.

// mapping flags to be used by the library
// and insert the loaded module into Peb

// init LibraryEx context
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status = LdrLibraryCtx( &Ctx, Flags ) ) ) {
    printf( "[-] LdrLibraryCtx Failed: %d\n", Status );
    goto END;

// hook function
Ctx.LdrLoadDll = C_PTR( HookLdrLoadDll );

// map file into memory
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status = LdrLibraryEx( &Ctx, L"cryptsp.dll", &Module, Flags ) ) ) {
    printf( "[-] LdrLibraryEx Failed: %p\n", Status );


Varshini is a Cyber Security expert in Threat Analysis, Vulnerability Assessment, and Research. Passionate about staying ahead of emerging Threats and Technologies.

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