Mihari is a helper to run queries & manage results continuously. Mihari can be used for C2, landing page and phishing hunting.
How It Works?
# For Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libpq-dev
gem install mihari
Or you can use this tool with Docker.
docker pull ninoseki/mihari
Basic Usage
Mihari supports the following services by default.
$ mihari
– mihari alerts # Show the alerts on TheHive
– mihari binaryedge [QUERY] # BinaryEdge host search by a query
– mihari censys [QUERY] # Censys IPv4 search by a query
– mihari circl [DOMAIN|SHA1] # CIRCL passive DNS/SSL lookup by a domain or SHA1 certificate fingerprint
– mihari crtsh [QUERY] # crt.sh search by a query
– mihari dnpedia [QUERY] # DNPedia domain search by a query
– mihari dnstwister [DOMAIN] # dnstwister lookup by a domain
– mihari free_text [TEXT] # Cross search with search engines by a free text
– mihari help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
– mihari http_hash # Cross search with search engines by a hash of an HTTP response (SHA256, MD5 and MurmurHash3)
– mihari import_from_json # Give a JSON input via STDIN
– mihari onyphe [QUERY] # Onyphe datascan search by a query
– mihari otx [IP|DOMAIN] # OTX lookup by an IP or domain
– mihari passive_dns [IP|DOMAIN] # Cross search with passive DNS services by an ip or domain
– mihari passive_ssl [SHA1] # Cross search with passive SSL services by an SHA1 certificate fingerprint
– mihari passivetotal [IP|DOMAIN|EMAIL|SHA1] # PassiveTotal lookup by an ip, domain, email or SHA1 certificate fingerprint
– mihari pulsedive [IP|DOMAIN] # Pulsedive lookup by an ip or domain
– mihari reverse_whois [EMAIL] # Cross search with reverse whois services by an email
– mihari securitytrails [IP|DOMAIN|EMAIL] # SecurityTrails lookup by an ip, domain or email
– mihari securitytrails_domain_feed [REGEXP] # SecurityTrails new domain feed search by a regexp
– mihari shodan [QUERY] # Shodan host search by a query
– mihari spyse [QUERY] # Spyse search by a query
– mihari ssh_fingerprint [FINGERPRINT] # Cross search with search engines by an SSH fingerprint (e.g. dc:14:de:8e:d7:c1:15:43:23:82:25:81:d2:59:e8:c0)
– mihari status # Show the current configuration status
– mihari urlscan [QUERY] # urlscan search by a given query
– mihari virustotal [IP|DOMAIN] # VirusTotal resolutions lookup by an ip or domain
– mihari zoomeye [QUERY] # ZoomEye search by a query
[–config=CONFIG] # path to config file
Cross Searches
Mihari has cross search features. A cross search is a search across a number of services.
You can get aggregated results by using the following commands.
Command | Desc. |
passive_dns | Passive DNS lookup with CIRCL passive DNS, OTX, PassiveTotal, Pulsedive, SecurityTrails and VirusTotal |
passive_ssl | Passive SSL lookup with CIRCL passive SSL and PassiveTotal |
reverse_whois | Revese Whois lookup with PassiveTotal and SecurityTrails |
http_hash | HTTP response hash lookup with BinaryEdge(SHA256), Censys(SHA256), Onyphpe(MD5) and Shodan(MurmurHash3) |
free_text | Free text lookup with BinaryEdge and Censys |
ssh_fingerprint | SSH fingerprint lookup with BinaryEdge and Shodan |
Http_Hash Command
The usage of http_hash
command is a little bit tricky.
$ mihari help http_hash
mihari http_hash
[–title=TITLE] # title
[–description=DESCRIPTION] # description
[–tags=one two three] # tags
[–md5=MD5] # MD5 hash
[–sha256=SHA256] # SHA256 hash
[–mmh3=N] # MurmurHash3 hash
Cross search with search engines by a hash of an HTTP response (SHA256, MD5 and MurmurHash3)
There are 2 ways to use this command.
First one is passing --md5
, --sha256
and --mmh3
mihari http_hash –md5=881191f7736b5b8cfad5959ca99d2a51 –sha256=b064187ebdc51721708ad98cd89dacc346017cb0fb0457d530032d387f1ff20e –mmh3=-1467534799
Another one is passing --html
parameter. In this case, hashes of an HTML file are automatically calculated.
wget http://example.com -O /tmp/index.html mihari http_hash –html /tmp/index.html
Example Usages
#Censys lookup for PANDA C2
mihari censys ‘(“PANDA” AND “SMAdmin” AND “layui”)’ –title “PANDA C2”
#VirusTotal passive DNS lookup of a FAKESPY host
mihari virustotal “jppost-hi.top” –title “FAKESPY passive DNS”
#You can pass a “defanged” indicator as an input
mihari virustotal “jppost-hi[.]top” –title “FAKESPY passive DNS”
Import From JSON
echo ‘{ “title”: “test”, “description”: “test”, “artifacts”: [“”, “github.com”, “”] }’ | mihari import_from_json
The input is a JSON data should have title, description and artifacts key. tags key is an optional parameter.
“title”: “test”,
“description”: “test”,
“artifacts”: [“”, “github.com”],
“tags”: [“test”]
Key | Desc. | Required or optional |
title | A title of an alert | Required |
description | A description of an alert | Required |
artifacts | An array of artifacts (supported data types: ip, domain, url, email, hash) | Required |
tags | An array of tags | Optional |
Configuration can be done via environment variables or a YAML file.
Key | Description | Default |
DATABASE | A path to the SQLite database or a DB URL (e.g. postgres://postgres:pass@db.host:5432/somedb ) | mihari.db |
BINARYEDGE_API_KEY | BinaryEdge API key | |
CENSYS_ID | Censys API ID | |
CENSYS_SECRET | Censys secret | |
ONYPHE_API_KEY | Onyphe API key | |
PASSIVETOTAL_API_KEY | PassiveTotal API key | |
PASSIVETOTAL_USERNAME | PassiveTotal username | |
PULSEDIVE_API_KEY | Pulsedive API key | |
SECURITYTRAILS_API_KEY | SecurityTrails API key | |
SHODAN_API_KEY | Shodan API key | |
SLACK_CHANNEL | Slack channel name | #general |
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL | Slack Webhook URL | |
SPYSE_API_KEY | Spyse API key | |
THEHIVE_API_KEY | TheHive API key | |
URLSCAN_API_KEY | urlscan.io API key | |
VIRUSTOTAL_API_KEY | VirusTotal API key | |
ZOOMEYE_PASSWORD | ZoomEye password | |
ZOOMEYE_USERNAMME | ZoomEye username |
Instead of using environment variables, you can use a YAML file for configuration.
mihari virustotal –config /path/to/yaml.yml
The YAML file should be a YAML hash like below:
database: /tmp/mihari.db
thehive_api_endpoint: https://localhost
thehive_api_key: foo
virustotal_api_key: foo
You can check the configuration status via status command.
mihari status
How To Create A Custom Script?
Create a class which extends Mihari::Analyzers::Base
and implements the following methods.
Name | Desc. | @return | Required or optional |
#title | A title of an alert | String | Required |
#description | A description of an alert | String | Required |
#artifacts | An array of artifacts (supported data types: ip, domain, url, email, hash) | Array | Required |
#tags | An array of tags | Array | Optional |
Using it with Docker
$ docker run –rm ninoseki/mihari
#Note that you should pass configurations via environment variables
$ docker run –rm ninoseki/mihari -e THEHIVE_API_ENDPOINT=”http://THEHIVE_URL” -e THEHIVE_API_KEY=”API KEY” mihari
$ docker run –rm ninoseki/mihari –env-file ~/.mihari.env mihari
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