Cyber security

Oh Shint! Navigating The Depths Of Cyber-Intelligence With Donvito

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Although I’m sure that will happen eventually because that’s how the internet works, not that big of a deal either way. Sharing is caring!

To view the most recently added resources for 2023, click here.

Figured it was time to actually document some of my work. This blog is mostly going to be articles, write-ups and other ramblings about a few different intelligence and counter-intelligence subjects.

Including anything related to open-source intelligence, operational security, anonymity, surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques, trade-craft, and probably a little bit of cyber-security related content.

A little backstory about the author (that’s me). I am a licensed private investigator who has specialized in the art of intelligence collection, surveillance, and counter-surveillance operations.

Some of my other hobbies include cyber-security, internet culture, firearms technology, forensic document examination, and general spy-craft related things.

There will be articles about all of these different subjects here soon, as Well, this was a lie..

Here are some topics that I will be covering eventually.

  • Everything and anything related to OSINT investigations, intelligence discovery and intelligence collection. Including lists of resources and tools, write-ups of my OSINT research, guides and different techniques on how to conduct OSINT investigations on a vast amount of different platforms and subjects.
  • OPSEC and privacy research, guides, and other anonymity things.
  • Trade-craft techniques and other things related to general spy-craft.
  • Surveillance tactics and techniques, covert photography and evidence collection.
  • Both physical and digital counter-surveillance tactics. Things related to TSCM, such as guides and research.
  • Cyber-security related articles, techniques, CTF writeups and other random InfoSec related things.
  • Probably more stuff.

Anyways, thank you for reading my blog and I genuinely hope you enjoy the content! If not, well I can’t really help you with that.

Welcome aboard my ship friends, hope you decide to stay for a while and learn about some cool stuff together.

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Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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