Cloud Security Audit : A Command Line Security Audit Tool For Amazon Web Services
Cloud Security Audit is a command line tool that scans for vulnerabilities in your AWS Account. In easy way you will be able to identify unsecure parts of your infrastructure and prepare your AWS account for security audit. Installation Currently it does not support any package managers, but the work is in progress. Building from sources First of all you need to...
Regipy : An OS Independent Python Library For Parsing Offline Registry Hives
Regipy is a python library for parsing offline registry hives. regipy has a lot of capabilities: Use as a library:Recurse over the registry hive, from root or a given path and get all subkeys and valuesRead specific subkeys and valuesApply transaction logs on a registry hiveCommand Line ToolsDump an entire registry hive to jsonApply transaction logs on a registry hiveCompare...
WinObjEx64 : Windows Object Explorer 64-bit
WinObjEx64 is an advanced utility that lets you explore the Windows Object Manager namespace. For certain object types, you can double-click on it or use the "Properties..." toolbar button to get more information, such as description, attributes, resource usage etc. WinObjEx64 let you view and edit object-related security information if you have required access rights. System Requirements WinObjEx64 does not...
Rifiuti2 : Windows Recycle Bin Analyser
Rifiuti2 is a for analyzing Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 file. Analysis of Windows Recycle Bin is usually carried out during Windows computer forensics. Rifiuti2 can extract file deletion time, original path and size of deleted files and whether the trashed files have been permanently removed. Special Note For 0.7.0 Windows binaries will be automatically built from Appveyor and published to Github.Systems supporting UTF-8...
Linux Smart Enumeration : Tool For Pentesting & CTFs With Verbosity Levels
Linux Smart Enumeration is a tool for pentesting and CTFs with verbosity levels. This script will show relevant information about the security of the local Linux system. It has 3 levels of verbosity so you can control how much information you see. In the default level you should see the highly important security flaws in the system. The level 1 (./ -l1)...
Whonix : Privacy Protection, Anonymity Online, Anonymous Operating System
Whonix is a free and open-source desktop operating system (OS) that is specifically designed for advanced security and privacy. Based on Tor, Debian GNU/Linux and the principle of security by isolation, Whonix ™ realistically addresses common attack vectors while maintaining usability. Online anonymity and censorship circumvention is attainable via fail-safe, automatic and desktop-wide use of the Tor network, meaning...
SneakyEXE : Embedding “UAC-Bypassing” Function Into Your Custom Payload
SneakyEXE is a tool which helps you embedding UAC-Bypassing function into your custom Win32 payloads ( x86_64 architecture specifically ) Tested on Windows 7,8,10 ( 64bit)Free and Open-sourced with full source codes published Requirements LinuxWindowsArchitectureOptionalx86_64Python 3.x >YESNOModuletermcolorNODistrosAnyWindowsVersionAnyWindows 7,8,10 Also Read - Slackor : A Golang Implant That Uses Slack As A Command & Control Server Usage : This tool does require a python module called termcolor. ...
NetSet : Operational Security Utility & Automator
Operational Security utility and automator. NetSet is designed to automate a number of operations that will help the user with securing their network traffic. It also provides an easy way to gather proxies and run utilities through Tor. All the utilities installed and used by NetSet will be automatically configured as well. Of course the tool itself isn't the be all...
DarkScrape : OSINT Tool For Scraping Dark Websites
DarkScrape is a OSINT tool for scraping dark websites. OSINT tool for scraping dark websites is been testing on the following OS. Kali Linux 2019.2Ubuntu 18.04NethunterArc Linux Also Read - GoldenEye : GoldenEye Layer 7 (KeepAlive+NoCache) DoS Test Tool Installation git clone pip3 install -r requirements.txt Features Download MediaScrape From Single UrlScraping From Files TxtCsvExcel Credit: Jake Creps Download
Ten Benefits of Writing Jobs That May Change Your Perspective
Writing is a great way to express yourself and at the same time, earn a living. When you have the right perspective about this field, you are more likely to advance further. There are numerous reasons why writing jobs are beneficial. The first obvious reason is that you can earn from it, a lot will make sense after you...