BruteX – Automatically Brute Force All Services Running On A Target
BruteX is a tool to automatically brute force all services running on a target. As you all know a brute-force attack consists of an attacker submitting many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and passphrases until the correct one is found It include the services such...
SQLiScanner – Automatic SQL Injection With Charles & SQLmap API
SQLiScanner is a automatic SQL injectiont tool with Charles and sqlmap api with support on Linux and osx. Following are the dependencies for this automatic injection tool. DjangoPostgreSQLCelerysqlmapredis Also Read:Dawnscanner – Static Analysis Security Scanner SQLiScanner Installation It will always be best if you can download it by cloning the Git repository: git clone --depth 1 Users also have the option to download...
Hatch – Brute Force Tool That Is Used To Brute Force Most Websites
Hatch is a brute force tool that is used to brute force most websites. In order to use the this tool you need the following requirements. pip2 install seleniumpip2 install requests Note : chrome driver and chrome are also required! link to chrome driver: copy it to bin. Also Read:ImaginaryC2:Python Tool Help In Network Behavioral Analysis Of Malware Installation Instructions git clone How...
Stardox – Github Stargazers Information Gathering Tool
Stardox is an advanced github stargazers information gathering tool. It scraps Github for information and display them in list tree view.It can be used for collecting information of your's/someones repository stargazers details. What data it fetchs : Total repsitoriesTotal starsTotal FollowersTotal Following P.S: Many new things will be added soon Also Read:NETworkManager – A Powerful Tool For Managing Networks & Troubleshoot Network Problems Getting...
Aztarna – A Footprinting Tool For Robots
This repository contains Alias Robotic's aztarna, a footprinting tool for robots. Alias Robotics supports original robot manufacturers assessing their security and improving their quality of software. By no means we encourage or promote the unauthorized tampering with running robotic systems. This can cause serious human harm and material damages. Also Read:Tcpreplay – Pcap Editing & Replay Tools For...
Dawnscanner – Static Analysis Security Scanner
Dawnscanner is a static analysis security scanner for ruby written web applications. It supports Sinatra, Padrino and Ruby on Rails frameworks. Dawnscanner is a source code scanner designed to review your ruby code for security issues. Dawnscanner is able to scan plain ruby scripts (e.g. command line applications) but all its features are unleashed when dealing with...
ImaginaryC2:Python Tool Help In Network Behavioral Analysis Of Malware
ImaginaryC2 is a python tool which aims to help in the behavioral (network) analysis of malware. It hosts a HTTP server which captures HTTP requests towards selectively chosen domains/IPs. Additionally, the tool aims to make it easy to replay captured Command-and-Control responses/served payloads. By using this tool, an analyst can feed the malware consistent network responses. Additionally,...
NETworkManager – A Powerful Tool For Managing Networks & Troubleshoot Network Problems
NETworkManager is a powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems. Let us have a look on the features on the tool that help us to manage our connected network and help us in fixing the nertwork related issue. Network Interface - Information, Configure IP-Scanner Port-Scanner Ping Traceroute DNS Lookup Remote Desktop PuTTY (requires PuTTY) TightVNC (requires TightVNC)...
Malcom – Malware Communications Analyzer 2019
Malcom is a tool designed to analyze a system's network communication using graphical representations of network traffic, and cross-reference them with known malware sources. This comes handy when analyzing how certain malware species try to communicate with the outside world. This tool can help you for the following; detect central command and control (C&C) serversunderstand peer-to-peer...
Tcpreplay – Pcap Editing & Replay Tools For UNIX & Windows
Tcpreplay is a suite of GPLv3 licensed utilities for UNIX operating systems for editing and replaying network traffic which was previously captured by tools like tcpdump and Ethereal/Wireshark. It allows you to classify traffic as client or server, rewrite Layer 2, 3 and 4 packets and finally replay the traffic back onto the network and through other devices such...