PCWT is a web application that makes it easy to run your pentest and bug bounty projects. The app provides a convenient web interface for working with various types of files that are used during the pentest, automate port scan and subdomain search.
Port Scan
You can scan ports using nmap or masscan. The nmap is started with the following arguments:
nmap –top-ports 10000 -sV -Pn –min-rate 300 –max-retries 2 [ip]
The masscan is started with the following arguments:
masscan -p 1-65535 –rate 2000
Subdomain Search
Amass and findomain are used to find subdomains.
Subdomain tasks
with your chat id and token.Install From Sources
NOTE 1: Change the paths for amass, findomain, nmap and masscan in config.py
before running commands. NOTE 2: The app must be started as root if you want masscan to work.
apt install python3 python-venv python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/ascr0b/PCWT
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
flask init-db
flask crontab add
export FLASK_APP=app
flask run
The app is available at
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