Kali Linux

Pinecone : A WLAN Red Team Framework

Pinecone is a WLAN networks auditing tool, suitable for red team usage. It is extensible via modules, and it is designed to be run in Debian-based operating systems. Pinecone is specially oriented to be used with a Raspberry Pi, as a portable wireless auditing box.

This tool is designed for educational and research purposes only. Only use it with explicit permission.


For running Pinecone, you need a Debian-based operating system (it has been tested on Raspbian, Raspberry Pi Desktop and Kali Linux). Pinecone has the following requirements:

  • Python 3.5+. Your distribution probably comes with Python3 already installed, if not it can be installed using apt-get install python3.
  • dnsmasq (tested with version 2.76). Can be installed using apt-get install dnsmasq.
  • hostapd-wpe (tested with version 2.6). Can be installed using apt-get install hostapd-wpe. If your distribution repository does not have a hostapd-wpe package, you can either try to install it using a Kali Linux repository pre-compiled package, or compile it from its source code.

After installing the necessary packages, you can install the Python packages requirements for Pinecone using pip3 install -r requirements.txt in the project root folder.


For starting Pinecone, execute python3 pinecone.py from within the project root folder:

root@kali:~/pinecone# python pinecone.py
[i] Database file: ~/pinecone/db/database.sqlite
pinecone >

Pinecone is controlled via a Metasploit-like command-line interface. You can type help to get the list of available commands, or help 'command' to get more information about a specific command:

pinecone > help
Documented commands (type help ):
alias help load pyscript set shortcuts use
edit history py quit shell unalias
Undocumented commands:
back run stop
pinecone > help use
Usage: use module [-h]
Interact with the specified module.
positional arguments:
module module ID
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit

Use the command use 'moduleID' to activate a Pinecone module. You can use Tab auto-completion to see the list of current loaded modules:

pinecone > use
attack/deauth daemon/hostapd-wpe report/db2json scripts/infrastructure/ap
daemon/dnsmasq discovery/recon scripts/attack/wpa_handshake
pinecone > use discovery/recon
pcn module(discovery/recon) >

Every module has options, that can be seen typing help run or run --help when a module is activated. Most modules have default values for their options (check them before running):

pcn module(discovery/recon) > help run
usage: run [-h] [-i INTERFACE]
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
monitor mode capable WLAN interface (default: wlan0)

When a module is activated, you can use the run [options...] command to start its functionality. The modules provide feedback of their execution state:

pcn script(attack/wpa_handshake) > run -s TEST_SSID
[i] Sending 64 deauth frames to all clients from AP 00:11:22:33:44:55 on channel 1…
Sent 64 packets.
[i] Monitoring for 10 secs on channel 1 WPA handshakes between all clients and AP 00:11:22:33:44:55…

If the module runs in background (for example, scripts/infrastructure/ap), you can stop it using the stop command when the module is running:

pcn script(infrastructure/ap) > run
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
[i] Creating NAT rules in iptables for forwarding wlan0 -> eth0…
[i] Starting hostapd-wpe and dnsmasq…
Configuration file: ~/pinecone/tmp/hostapd-wpe.conf
Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 00:11:22:33:44:55 and ssid “PINECONEWIFI”
wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED
pcn script(infrastructure/ap) > stop
[i] Stopping hostapd-wpe and dnsmasq…
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
[i] Flushing NAT table in iptables…

When you are done using a module, you can deactivate it by using the back command. You can also activate another module issuing the use command again.

Shell commands may be executed with the command shell or the ! shortcut:

pinecone > !ls
LICENSE modules module_template.py pinecone pinecone.py README.md requirements.txt TODO.md

Currently, Pinecone reconnaissance SQLite database is stored in the db/ directory inside the project root folder. All the temporary files that Pinecone needs to use are stored in the tmp/ directory also under the project root folder.


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