PwnLnX : An Advanced Multi-Threaded, Multi-Client Python Reverse Shell For Hacking Linux Systems

PwnLnX is an advanced multi-threadedmulti-client python reverse shell for hacking Linux systems. There’s still more work to do so feel free to help out with the development. Disclaimer: This reverse shell should only be used in the lawful, remote administration of authorized systems. Accessing a computer network without authorization or permission is illegal.

Getting Started

Please follow these instructions to get a copy of PwnLnX running on your local machine without any problems.


  • Python3:
    • vidstream
    • pyfiglet
    • tqdm
    • mss
    • termcolor
    • pyautogui
    • pyinstaller
    • pip3
    • pynput


Download source code

git clone
cd Pwn LnX

download and install dependences

chmod +x

Getting PwnLnx up and running

  • Show help

python3 –help

  • Listening for incoming connections

python3 –lhost [your localhost ip address] –lport [free port for listening incoming connections]

  • Creating/Generating a payload

chmod +x

  • Then follow the procedure to successfully create your payload, the payload is saved in PwnLnx directory. Send the created payload to victim.

PwnLnx Usage

helpshow help
exitclose all the sessions and quit the progaram.
show sessionsshow all available sessions from connected.
session [ID]interact with a specified session ID.
kill [all/ID]kill a specified session or all to kill all sessions.
bannerhave funny by changing the program banner

Interact With A Session

helpshow help.
quitclose the current session.
backgroundbackground the current session.
sysinfoget minimum target system information.
create_persistcreate a persistant backdoor.
uploadupload the specified filename to the target system.
downloaddownload the specified filename from the target system.
screenshottake a desktop screenshot of the target system.
start_screensharestart desktop screensharing.
stop_screensharestop desktop screensharing.
start_keycapstart capturing victim’s pressed keystrokes.
dump_keycapdump/get the captured keystrokes.
stop_keycapstop the capturing keystrokes.

NB. you can also execute linux system commands besides those listed above.



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