We delve into the process of setting up a RedELK server, focusing on the critical configuration variables required for successful deployment.
As the traditional method becomes obsolete, we transition towards the use of an Ansible role specifically designed for this purpose.
Discover how to customize your RedELK environment to meet specific security and monitoring needs.
The following variables can be modified:
Key | Type | Default | Description |
certs_dir_nginx | string | "/etc/nginx/certs" | Path to folder containing certificates in Nginx container |
certs_dir_nginx_ca | string | "/etc/nginx/ca_certs" | Path to folder containing the CA certificate in Nginx container |
certs_dir_nginx_ca_local | string | "./mounts/certs/ca" | Local path to folder containing the CA certificate |
certs_dir_nginx_local | string | "./mounts/certbot/conf/live/localhost" | Local path to folder containing certificates. Replace localhost with the same value as external_domain |
customer_ips | list | [] | List of customer’s IP addresses |
docker_dir | string | "/var/lib/docker" | Docker directory |
domains | list | [] | List of domain names used for the exercise |
es_elastic_password | string | "elastic" | ElasticSearch users |
es_kibana_encryptionKey | string | "sLOVUK5MLv0VDhKsMlQcjgAaSMLXLLVy" | Kibana encryption key (32 char alphanumeric) |
es_kibana_password | string | "kibana" | ElasticSearch kibana user’s password |
es_logstash_system_password | string | "logstash_system" | ElasticSearch logstash_system user’s password |
es_redelk_ingest_password | string | "redelk" | ElasticSearch redelk-ingest user’s password (used by logstash) |
es_redelk_password | string | "redelk" | ElasticSearch RedELK user’s password |
es_redelk_user | string | "redelk" | ElasticSearch RedELK username |
es_version | string | "7.16.3" | Elastic version |
external_domain | string | "localhost" | External domain name to expose RedELK interface on. Will also be used to request Let’s Encypt certificate |
le_email | string | "" | Let’s Encrypt email address |
le_enable | bool | true | |
le_staging | int | 0 | Set to 1 to use Let’s Encrypt staging endpoint. |
monitor_hosts | bool | false | Set to true to support monitoring hosts (metricbeat, packetbeat, …) |
neo4j_password | string | "BloodHound" | Neo4J password (user: neo4j) |
optsec_dir | string | "/opt" | Base directory for components install (where customer data will be stored) – allows to store on an encrypted partition/disk |
redelk_alarm_interval | string | "3600" | |
redelk_alarm_tempDir | string | "/tmp" | |
redelk_alarms | object | cf. below | Alarm configuration options |
redelk_alarms.alarm_dummy.enabled | bool | false | Wether to enable the alarm |
redelk_alarms.alarm_dummy.interval | int | 300 | Interval at which the alarm will run (in seconds) |
redelk_alarms.alarm_filehash.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the alarm |
redelk_alarms.alarm_filehash.ha_api_key | string | "<<INSERT_API_KEY>>" | Hybrid Analysis API key |
redelk_alarms.alarm_filehash.ibm_basic_auth | string | "Basic <<REPLACE>>" | IBM X-Force Exchange basic authentication |
redelk_alarms.alarm_filehash.interval | int | 360 | Interval at which the alarm will run (in seconds) |
redelk_alarms.alarm_filehash.vt_api_key | string | "<<INSERT_API_KEY>>" | VirusTotal API key |
redelk_alarms.alarm_httptraffic.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the alarm |
redelk_alarms.alarm_httptraffic.interval | int | 310 | Interval at which the alarm will run (in seconds) |
redelk_alarms.alarm_httptraffic.notify_interval | int | 86400 | Only notify on the same IP hit at every notify_interval (in seconds) |
redelk_alarms.alarm_useragent.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the alarm |
redelk_alarms.alarm_useragent.interval | int | 320 | Interval at which the alarm will run (in seconds) |
redelk_cert_path | string | "certificates/redelk" | Local path to store RedELK certificates |
redelk_client_connection_mode | string | "reverse" | Sets how RedELK clients connects to filebeat direct (client connects to RedELK server IP directly) or reverse (reverse SSH tunnel is made from RedELK server to clients) |
redelk_enrich | object | cf. below | Settings for data enrichment. You can keep these enabled even if you don’t use a specific item. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_csbeacon | object | cf. below | Enriches rtops data from Cobalt Strike implants. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_csbeacon.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the enrichment module |
redelk_enrich.enrich_csbeacon.interval | int | 300 | Interval (in seconds) at which the enrichment script will run |
redelk_enrich.enrich_greynoise | object | cf. below | Enriches redirtraffic data with info from Greynoise. If an IP address is listed in Greynoise, this data is added. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_greynoise.cache | int | 86400 | How long the data will be cached (in seconds). If an IP was already seen within this period, a new call to GeryNoise API will not be made. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_greynoise.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the enrichment module |
redelk_enrich.enrich_greynoise.interval | int | 310 | Interval (in seconds) at which the enrichment script will run |
redelk_enrich.enrich_iplists | object | cf. below | Background RedELK process that enriches redirtraffic data with IP lists configured in RedELK (via ES app or in configuration files). Better keep it enabled. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_iplists.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the enrichment module |
redelk_enrich.enrich_iplists.interval | int | 330 | Interval (in seconds) at which the enrichment script will run |
redelk_enrich.enrich_stage1 | object | cf. below | Enriches rtops data from Outflank’s custom C2 framework. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_stage1.enabled | bool | false | Wether to enable the enrichment module |
redelk_enrich.enrich_stage1.interval | int | 300 | Interval (in seconds) at which the enrichment script will run |
redelk_enrich.enrich_synciplists | object | cf. below | Background RedELK process that syncs IP lists from configuration files with ES. Better keep it enabled. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_synciplists.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the enrichment module |
redelk_enrich.enrich_synciplists.interval | int | 360 | Interval (in seconds) at which the enrichment script will run |
redelk_enrich.enrich_tor | object | cf. below | Enriches redirtraffic with Tor. If an IP address is a known Tor exit node, this info is added. |
redelk_enrich.enrich_tor.cache | int | 360 | How often the TOR endpoint list should be retrieved (in seconds). |
redelk_enrich.enrich_tor.enabled | bool | true | Wether to enable the enrichment module |
redelk_enrich.enrich_tor.interval | int | 360 | Interval (in seconds) at which the enrichment script will run |
redelk_install_type | string | "full" | (full or limited ) If full , Jupyter notebooks and BloodHound/Neo4J will be installed as well |
redelk_loglevel | string | "WARNING" | Log level of the RedELK daemon. |
redelk_notifications | object | cf. below | Alarm notifications options |
redelk_notifications.email.enabled | bool | false | Wether to enable alarm notifications via e-mail |
redelk_notifications.email.from | string | "redelk@example.com" | Source e-mail address to send RedELK notifications from |
redelk_notifications.email.smtp.host | string | "example.com" | SMTP server hostname or IP address |
redelk_notifications.email.smtp.login | string | "redelk@example.com" | SMTP username to authenticate |
redelk_notifications.email.smtp.pass | string | "redelk" | SMTP password to authenticate |
redelk_notifications.email.smtp.port | string | "587" | SMTP server port |
redelk_notifications.email.to | list | ["redelk@example.com"] | List of e-mail addresses to send RedELK notifications to |
redelk_notifications.msteams.enabled | bool | false | Wether to enable alarm notifications via Microsoft Teams WebHook |
redelk_notifications.msteams.webhook_url | string | "" | Microsoft Teams WebHook URL |
redelk_notifications.slack.enabled | bool | false | Wether to enable alarm notifications via Slack WebHook |
redelk_notifications.slack.webhook_url | string | "" | Slack WebHook URL |
redelk_repo | string | "outflanknl" | RedELK docker image repository |
redelk_repo_path | string | "RedELK" | Local path to the RedELK git repository. will be cloned if doesn’t exist |
redelk_user | string | "redelk" | RedELK SSH username (used to sync data between RedELK monitoring server and the clients) |
redelk_version | string | "master" | RedELK version to install (ignored if the git repository defined in redelk_repo_path is already cloned) |
redteam_ips | list | [] | List of Red Team’s IP addresses |
ssh_keys_path | string | "ssh_keys" | Local path to store ssh keys |
tls_nginx_ca_path | string | "/etc/nginx/ca_certs/ca.crt" | Path to the CA file in Nginx container |
tls_nginx_crt_path | string | "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ external_domain }}/fullchain.pem" | Path to the certificate file in Nginx container |
tls_nginx_key_path | string | "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ external_domain }}/privkey.pem" | Path to the private key file in Nginx container |
unknown_ips | list | [] | List of Unknown IP addresses |
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