Kali Linux

Scriptkiddi3 – Streamline Your Recon And Vulnerability Detection Process With SCRIPTKIDDI3, A Recon And Initial Vulnerability Detection Tool Built Using Shell Script And Open Source Tools

SCRIPTKIDDI3,Streamline your recon and vulnerability detection process with SCRIPTKIDDI3, A recon and initial vulnerability detection tool built using shell script and open source tools.

Introducing SCRIPTKIDDI3, a powerful recon and initial vulnerability detection tool for Bug Bounty Hunters. Built using a variety of open-source tools and a shell script, SCRIPTKIDDI3 allows you to quickly and efficiently run a scan on the target domain and identify potential vulnerabilities.

SCRIPTKIDDI3 begins by performing recon on the target system, collecting information such as subdomains, and running services with nuclei. It then uses this information to scan for known vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, alerting you to any high-risk issues that may need to be addressed.

In addition, SCRIPTKIDDI3 also includes features for identifying misconfigurations and insecure default settings with nuclei templates, helping you ensure that your systems are properly configured and secure.

SCRIPTKIDDI3 is an essential tool for conducting thorough and effective recon and vulnerability assessments. Let’s Find Bugs with SCRIPTKIDDI3

[Thanks ChatGPT for the Description]

How it Works ?

This tool mainly performs 3 tasks

  1. Effective Subdomain Enumeration from Various Tools
  2. Get URLs with open HTTP and HTTPS service.
  3. Run a Nuclei and other scans on previous output So basically, this is an autmation script for your initial recon in bugbounty


SCRIPTKIDDI3 requires different tools to run successfully. Run the following command to install the latest version with all requirments-

git clone https://github.com/thecyberneh/scriptkiddi3.git
cd scriptkiddi3
bash installer.sh


scriptkiddi3 -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

   Streamline your recon and vulnerability detection process with SCRIPTKIDDI3,
   A recon and initial vulnerability detection tool built using shell script and open source tools.

   scriptkiddi3 [MODE] [FLAGS]
   scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d target.com -c /path/to/config.yaml

         Available Options for MODE: 
         SUB | sub | SUBDOMAIN | subdomain           Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode
         URL | url                                   Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode
         EXP | exp | EXPLOIT | exploit               Run scriptkiddi3 in Full Exploitation mode

         Feature of EXPLOI mode :                    subdomain enumaration, URL Enumeration,
                                                     Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei,
                                                     and Scan for SUBDOMAINE TAKEOVER

    [TARGET:]   -d, --domain    target domain to scan

    [CONFIG:]   -c, --config    path of your configuration file for subfinder

    [HELP:]     -h, --help      to get help menu  
    [UPDATE:]   -u, --update    to update tool
     Run scriptkiddi3 in full Exploitation mode
         scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d target.com

     Use your own CONFIG file for subfinder
         scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d target.com -c /path/to/config.yaml

     Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode
         scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d target.com

     Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode
         scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d target.com




  scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d target.com

FULL EXPLOITATION MODE contains following functions

  • Effective Subdomain Enumeration with different services and open source tools
  • Effective URL Enumeration ( HTTP and HTTPs service )
  • Run Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei
  • Subdomain Takeover Test on previous results



  scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d target.com

SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION MODE contains following functions

  • Effective Subdomain Enumeration with different services and open source tools
  • You can use this mode if you only want to get subdomains from this tool or we can say Automation of Subdmain Enumeration by different tools


Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION MODE

  scriptkiddi3 -m URL -d target.com

URL ENUMERATION MODE contains following functions

  • Same Feature as SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION MODE but also identifies HTTP or HTTPS service

Using your own CONFIG File for subfinder

  scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d target.com -c /path/to/config.yaml

You can also provie your own CONDIF file with your API Keys for subdomain enumeration with subfinder

Updating tool to latest version You can run following command to update tool

  scriptkiddi3 -u

An Example of config.yaml

  - 0bf8919b-aab9-42e4-9574-d3b639324597
  - ac244e2f-b635-4581-878a-33f4e79a2c13
  - ac244e2f-b635-4581-878a-33f4e79a2c13:dd510d6e-1b6e-4655-83f6-f347b363def9
certspotter: []
  - sample-email@user.com:sample_password
securitytrails: []
  - ghp_lkyJGU3jv1xmwk4SDXavrLDJ4dl2pSJMzj4X
  - ghp_gkUuhkIYdQPj13ifH4KA3cXRn8JD2lqir2d4
  - zoomeye_username:zoomeye_password

For Developers

If you have ideas for new functionality or modes that you would like to see in this tool, you can always submit a pull request (PR) to contribute your changes.

If you have any other queries, you can always contact me on Twitter(thecyberneh)


I would like to express my gratitude to all of the open source projects that have made this tool possible and have made recon tasks easier to accomplish.

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