Cyber security

ScriptSentry : Uncovering And Mitigating Risks In Logon Scripts

ScriptSentry finds misconfigured and dangerous logon scripts. ScriptSentry is a powerful tool designed to detect misconfigured and hazardous logon scripts that can pose significant security risks.

It identifies unsafe permissions, plaintext credentials, and other vulnerabilities in UNC paths, GPOs, and NETLOGON/SYSVOL shares.

By highlighting these issues, ScriptSentry empowers organizations to secure their logon processes effectively.


# Run ScriptSentry and display results on the console
IEX(Invoke-WebRequest '')

# Run ScriptSentry and save output to a text file
IEX(Invoke-WebRequest '')
Invoke-ScriptSentry | Out-File c:\temp\ScriptSentry.txt

# Run ScriptSentry and save results to separate csv files in the current directory
IEX(Invoke-WebRequest '')
Invoke-ScriptSentry -SaveOutput $true

Example Output

 _______  _______  _______ _________ _______ _________ _______  _______  _       _________ _______
(  ____ \(  ____ \(  ____ )\__   __/(  ____ )\__   __/(  ____ \(  ____ \( (    /|\__   __/(  ____ )|\     /|
| (    \/| (    \/| (    )|   ) (   | (    )|   ) (   | (    \/| (    \/|  \  ( |   ) (   | (    )|( \   / )
| (_____ | |      | (____)|   | |   | (____)|   | |   | (_____ | (__    |   \ | |   | |   | (____)| \ (_) /
(_____  )| |      |     __)   | |   |  _____)   | |   (_____  )|  __)   | (\ \) |   | |   |     __)  \   /
      ) || |      | (\ (      | |   | (         | |         ) || (      | | \   |   | |   | (\ (      ) (
/\____) || (____/\| ) \ \_____) (___| )         | |   /\____) || (____/\| )  \  |   | |   | ) \ \__   | |
\_______)(_______/|/   \__/\_______/|/          )_(   \_______)(_______/|/    )_)   )_(   |/   \__/   \_/
                              by: Spencer Alessi @techspence
                                     / __.==---/ * * * * * *
                                    / (-'
                            Setting phasers to stun, please wait..

########## Unsafe UNC folder permissions ##########

Type                      File                                User          Rights
----                      ----                                ----          ------
UnsafeUNCFolderPermission \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1            Everyone FullControl
UnsafeUNCFolderPermission \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1\accounting Everyone FullControl
UnsafeUNCFolderPermission \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1\IT         Everyone FullControl

########## Unsafe logon script permissions ##########

Type                        File                                                   User                                                  Rights
----                        ----                                                   ----                                                  ------
UnsafeLogonScriptPermission \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\elevate.vbs NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
UnsafeLogonScriptPermission \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\run.vbs     NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
UnsafeLogonScriptPermission \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\test.cmd    EUREKA\Domain Users                      Modify, Synchronize

########## Unsafe GPO logon script permissions ##########

Type                           File                             User                                        Rights
----                           ----                             ----                                        ------
UnsafeGPOLogonScriptPermission \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1\run.bat EUREKA\testuser Write, ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
UnsafeGPOLogonScriptPermission \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1\run.bat Everyone                               FullControl

########## Unsafe UNC file permissions ##########

Type                    File                                              User                                        Rights
----                    ----                                              ----                                        ------
UnsafeUNCFilePermission \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1\IT\securit360pentest.bat Everyone                               FullControl

########## Unsafe NETLOGON/SYSVOL permissions ##########

Type                 Folder                  User                                          Rights
----                 ------                  ----                                          ------
UnsafeNetlogonSysvol \\eureka.local\NETLOGON EUREKA\Domain Users              Modify, Synchronize
UnsafeNetlogonSysvol \\eureka.local\SYSVOL   NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users Modify, Synchronize

########## Plaintext credentials ##########

Type        File                                                   Credential
----        ----                                                   ----------
Credentials \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\ADCheck.ps1 $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Password2468!" -AsPlainText -Force
Credentials \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\shares.cmd  net use f: \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1\it /user:itadmin Password2468!
Credentials \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\test.cmd    net use g: \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1 /user:user1 Password3355!
Credentials \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\test.cmd    net use h: \\eureka-dc01\fileshare1\accounting /user:userfoo Password5!
Credentials \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\logon.kix   Use X: "\\eureka-dc01\fileshare2" /USER:itadmin /P:Password2468!

########## Nonexistent Shares ##########

Type             Server             Share                                 Script                                                   DNS Exploitable Admins
----             ------             -----                                 ------                                                   --- ----------- ------
NonexistentShare CUHOLDING          \\CUHOLDING\QUICKBOOKS                \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\marketing.bat No  Potentially No    
NonexistentShare eureka-srvnotexist \\eureka-srvnotexist\NonExistingShare \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\test.cmd      No  Potentially No    
NonexistentShare NAS                \\NAS\PUBLIC                          \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\main.bat      No  Potentially No    
NonexistentShare NAS                \\NAS\SYMITAR                         \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\symregOLD.bat No  Potentially No    

########## Admins with logonscripts ##########

Type             User                                                      LogonScript
----             ----                                                      -----------
AdminLogonScript LDAP://CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=eureka,DC=local       run.vbs
AdminLogonScript LDAP://CN=it admin,OU=Admins,OU=Eureka,DC=eureka,DC=local elevate.vbs

########## Admins with logonscripts mapped from nonexistent share ##########

Type                   Server             Share                                 Script                                              DNS Exploitable Admins                                                                
----                   ------             -----                                 ------                                              --- ----------- ------                                                                
ExploitableLogonScript eureka-srvnotexist \\eureka-srvnotexist\NonExistingShare \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\test.cmd No  Yes  LDAP://eureka.local/CN=it admin,OU=Admins,OU=Eureka,DC=eureka,DC=local
ExploitableLogonScript eureka-srvnotexist \\eureka-srvnotexist\NonExistingShare \\eureka.local\sysvol\eureka.local\scripts\test.cmd No  Yes  LDAP://eureka.local/CN=user1,OU=Users,OU=Eureka,DC=eureka,DC=local  


Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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