Cyber security

SecretMagpie – The Comprehensive Secret Detection Tool For Your Repositories

Organisations struggle to scan for leaked secrets in ALL of their repos. It’s easy to scan one repo, but time consuming and tedious to scan all of them.

SecretMagpie is a secret detection tool that hunts out all the secrets hiding in ALL your repositories.

It supports finding repos in Github, Gitlab, Azure DevOps (ADO), Bitbucket and the local file system.

Given an auth token, it will:

  • enumerate all of the repos
  • clone each repo down
  • scan EVERY branch with multiple tools
  • squash all the findings into one big list
  • deduplicate them so you dont triage the same thing twice
  • provide a slick web ui to quickly triage your findings
  • give you some great stats and a full report in csv or json

By making use of the opensource tools Trufflehog 🐷 and Gitleaks, SecretMagpie can highlight a variety of different secrets and ensure that nothing is missed!

We plan on adding more tools soon, providing even wider coverage.

The easiest approach is to use Docker…

Running SecretMagpie In Docker

We’ve kept things nice and simple and bundled everything into a Docker container to enable you to start finding secrets as soon as possible.

Simply run one of the following commands to get started: for github, gitlab or azuredevops

docker run punksecurity/secret-magpie <github/gitlab/azuredevops> --org 'organisation name' --pat 'personal access token'

or for bitbucket

docker run punksecurity/secret-magpie bitbucket --workspace 'workspace name to scan' --username 'your username' --password 'your application password'

or for the local filesystem

docker run -v /local/path/to/repos/:/repos punksecurity/secret-magpie filesystem --path /repos

For more information click here.

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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