Sharingan : Offensive Security Recon Tool

Sharingan is a recon multitool for offensive security / bug bounty. This is very much a work in progress and I’m relatively new to offensive security in general so if you see something that can be improved please open an issue or PR with suggested changes.

Cloning for development

Outside of your gopath

git clone


go get

Also Read – Threadtear : Multifunctional Java Seobfuscation Tool Suite


  • NMap
  • Go


Note : Order matters when it comes to flags it must be sharingancli [globalflags] command [commandflags] if this isn’t a wanted feature I can change it but I like how clean it is


  • bruteforce

DNS busts the target with a wordlist you provide

sharingancli –target targetname dns –dns-wordlist ~/path/to/wordlist –root-domain

  • addsubs

Adds subdomains to the program’s storage from stdin using pipes

cat subs | sharingancli –target targetname dns addsubs

  • Scan

Scans all hosts available that were stored in target using nmap

sharingancli –target target scan

  • interactive

Scan a single host from list of subdomains stored in target

sharingancli –target target scan interactive

  • info
    • domains

Outputs all domains as a list in stdout

sharingancli –target target info domains+

Features To Come

  • Dir brute forcing — Currently being worked on
  • JSON and regular file exports
  • Automated scans through a daemon?
  • add a way to do SYN / -sS scanning [ must be root so it presents a challenge ]
  • Possible Web ui / html export

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