Pentesting Tools

Snaffler Output File Parser – Enhancing Data Analysis With Advanced Features

Especially in large environments, the Snaffler output gets very large and time-consuming to analyze.

This script parse the Snaffler output file (TSV format required) and:

  • Beautify it: Proper tables and different output formats like TXT, CSV, HTML, JSON or PS Gridview.
  • The HTML output file:
    • Supports basic sorting and filtering (severity & extension)
    • Highlights the finding keyword in the file preview text
    • Contains direct links to the parent folder of the file and a download link for the file itself.
    • Contains basing information about the Snaffler job.
  • Sorts based on the severity (black, red, yellow, green) and then by date or unc.
  • Can export all the shares to the Explorer++ config files as bookmarks.
  • Generate a list of all shares Snaffler was able to access (might be useful for your client).

Preconditions And Usage

Snaffler must be executed with the -y switch in order to create an output file in the TSV format.

Example: .\Snaffler.exe -o snafflerout.txt -s -y

Simple Parse

Simple parse the file my_snaffler_output.txt and write output with default sorting (severity, date modified) and default output files (TXT, CSV, HTML). .\snafflerparser.ps1 -in my_snaffler_output.txt

Output Options

The different file output options are:

  • -outformat all Write txt, csv, html and json
  • -outformat txt Write txt
  • -outformat csv Write csv
  • -outformat html Write html (includes clickable links)
  • -outformat json Write json

Those files can be splitted regarding the finding severity (black, red, yellow, green) using the -split switch.

Additonally a PS gridview output can be showed using “-gridview`.


The output will always be sorted regarding the severity than it can be sorted by:

  • -sort modified File modified date (default)
  • -sort keyword Snaffler keyword
  • -sort unc File UNC Path
  • -sort rule Snaffler rule name

Explorer++ Integration

Explorer++ is an alternative file explorer on windows.

The great thing is that unlike the Windows Explorer it can be executed in another user’s context including the /netonly switch. This is useful when performing a pentest from a dedicated, non-domain joined pentest notebook or VM.

For more information click here.

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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