
Noseyparker : Find Secrets And Sensitive Information In Textual Data And Git History

Nosey Parker is a command-line tool that finds secrets and sensitive information in textual data. It is useful both for…

2 years ago

Dismember : Scan Memory For Secrets And More

Dismember is a command-line toolkit for Linux that can be used to scan the memory of all processes (or particular…

2 years ago

Flare-Qdb : Command-line And Python Debugger For Instrumenting And Modifying Native Software

Flare-qdb is a command-line and scriptable Python-based tool for evaluating and manipulating native program state. It uses Vivisect to set a breakpoint…

3 years ago

Radare2 : UNIX-like Reverse Engineering Framework And Command-Line Toolset

Radare2 is a rewrite from scratch of radare. It provides a set of libraries, tools and plugins to ease reverse…

4 years ago