
GUIDTool – Mastering Analysis And Prediction Of Version 1 UUIDs

A simple tool to analyse version 1 GUIDs/UUIDs from a system. With the information obtained from analysis, it is often…

7 months ago

OpenARIA : Enhancing Aviation Safety Through Open-Source Innovation

This repository contains an open-source edition of the Aviation Risk Identification and Assessment (ARIA) software program developed by MITRE on behalf of…

7 months ago

WinFiHack : Unlocking Wireless Networks – A DIY Guide To WiFi Brute Forcing On Windows

WinFiHack is a recreational attempt by me to rewrite my previous project Brute-Hacking-Framework's main wifi hacking script that uses netsh and native…

7 months ago

Kimsuky PowerShell Backdoor : An In-Depth Breakdown Of Its Command And Control Framework

We delve into the intricate workings of the Kimsuky PowerShell Backdoor, a sophisticated cyber espionage tool attributed to the notorious…

7 months ago

Mobile Helper Framework – Automate App Analysis And Security Insights

Is a tool that automates the process of identifying the framework/technology used to create a mobile application. Additionally, it assists…

7 months ago

SharpCovertTube – Covert Command Execution Via YouTube

SharpCovertTube is a program created to control Windows systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube. The program monitors a Youtube…

7 months ago

OpenBSD – Dynamic IP, WireGuard VPN, And Encrypted DNS

This article presents a detailed guide centered around OpenBSD and Linux for enhancing network security through the implementation of dynamic…

7 months ago

CVE-2024-21762 Check – Identifying Vulnerability In FortiGate SSL VPNs

It provides a detailed guide on how to check if a FortiGate SSL VPN is vulnerable to CVE-2024-21762, a critical…

7 months ago

IntelMQ – Boosting Cybersecurity With Automation And Intelligence

IntelMQ is a solution for IT security teams (CERTs & CSIRTs, SOCs abuse departments, etc.) for collecting and processing security feeds…

7 months ago

VMwareCloak – Stealth Mode Enhancement For VM Security To Outsmart Malware

A PowerShell script that attempts to help malware analysts hide their VMware Windows VM's from malware that may be trying…

7 months ago