
BLEAH – A BLE Scanner For SMART Devices Hacking

BLEAH is a BLE scanner for SMART devices hacking based on the bluepy library, dead easy to use because retarded…

6 years ago

BurpSuite Extension Ruby : Template to speed up building a Burp Extension using Ruby

Due the lake of examples and implementations of BurpSuite Extension Ruby, we have decided to make it easy for all…

7 years ago

PwnBack – Burp Extender Plugin That Generates A Sitemap Of A Website Using Wayback Machine

PwnBack requires PhantomJS to run. To understand why it is required currently see the section PhantomsJS. The plugin has several…

7 years ago

Headless Burp – Automate security tests using Burp Suite

Headless Burp provides an extension to Burp that allows you to run Burp Suite's Spider and Scanner tools in headless…

7 years ago

HUNT – Burp Suite Pro/Free and OWASP ZAP Extensions

HUNT Suite is a collection of Burp Suite Pro/Free and OWASP ZAP extensions. Identifies common parameters vulnerable to certain vulnerability…

7 years ago

Tool-X : Kali Linux Hacking Tool Installer

Tool-X is a Kali linux hacking Tool installer, with the help of it you can install best hacking tools in…

7 years ago

HABU – Network Penetration Testing Toolkit for Hackers and Pentesters

Habu is a python network hacking toolkit. This tool basic functions that help with some tasks for Ethical Hacking and…

7 years ago

Blackbone – Memory Hacking Library For Windows

Blackbone is a tool used to hack windows memory library. Blackbone is licensed under the MIT License.  Features Of Blackbone…

7 years ago

Linset : Hack WPA WPA2 Using This Tool

Linset Is Not a Social Engineering Tool. Most importantly, remarked this is a task for instructive purposes that have served…

7 years ago