
Zenbuster : Multi-threaded URL Enumeration/Brute-Forcing Tool

ZenBuster is a multi-threaded, multi-platform URL enumeration tool written in Python by Zach Griffin (@0xTas). I wrote this tool as a…

3 years ago

Rustpad : Multi-Threaded Padding Oracle Attacks Against Any Service

Rustpad is a multi-threaded successor to the classic padbuster, written in Rust. It abuses a Padding Oracle vulnerability to decrypt any cypher text or…

3 years ago

Orbitaldump : A Simple Multi-Threaded Distributed SSH Brute-Forcing Tool Written In Python

Orbitaldump is a simple multi-threaded distributed SSH brute-forcing tool written in Python. When the script is executed without the --proxies switch, it…

4 years ago

Shreder : A Powerful Multi-Threaded SSH Protocol Password Bruteforce Tool

Shreder is a powerful multi-threaded SSH protocol password brute-force tool. Features Very fast password guessing, just one password in 0.1 second.Optimized for…

4 years ago