Second-Order is a Scans web applications for second-order subdomain takeover by crawling the app, and collecting URLs (and other data)…
Sub 404 is a tool written in python which is used to check possibility of subdomain takeover vulnerability and it…
Scilla is a information gathering tool (DNS/Subdomain/Port Enumeration). Installation First of all, clone the repo locally git clone Scilla…
Domained is a domain name enumeration tool. The tools contained in it requires Kali Linux (preferred) or Debian 7+ and…
Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites by using passive online sources. It has a…
Dnssearch is a subdomain enumeration tool. It takes an input domain ( -domain parameter ) and a wordlist ( -wordlist parameter ), it will…
Syborg is a recursive DNS subdomain enumerator with dead-end avoidance system (beta). It is a Recursive DNS Domain Enumerator which…
Turbolist3r is a fork of the sublist3r subdomain discovery tool. In addition to the original OSINT capabilties of sublist3r, turbolist3r…
RSDL is a tool for subdomain Scan With Ping Method. FlagsValueDescription--hostnameexample.comDomain for scan.--outputRecords the output with the domain name.--list/tmp/lists/example.txtLister for… is a script to detect subdomain online. So let us have a look on it usage. Script bash…